chapter 1

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Danzo sneered at the man in front of him. The man was in his late teens with a lean muscular frame, red hair that was so dark it could pass for black, blood red eyes without pupils, and boyish features. "I will learn the secret to your bloodline limit... then nothing will stand against Konoha. "

The man was being kept in a glass like container filled with water and bolted to the floor and ceiling.

The man's eyes opened suddenly, surprising the old war hawk. "You shouldn't be concious...interesting..."

The man punched the glass, trying to break free, only succeeding in shaking the glass. "Calm down Uzumaki. That glass is chakra infused concussion glass, it'd take much more than-"

The glass cracked with the next punch. The man reeled his fist back and hit it again, water started to spray from several cracks in the glass.

Danzo stepped back, shaken to his core at what he was seeing. The only person he knew of who could use this level of physical strength was Tsunade of the Sannin. "Root anbu, secure the area. Lock the facility down!"

The glass finally gave way and the Uzumaki toppled to the floor with the water. Danzo pulled the bandages off of his eye, exposing a spinning fully matured sharingan.

The Uzumaki stood to his feet, the cuts from the glass healing in seconds.

His chakra making a slight glow around his body. He wasn't thinking, he was raw nerves. Unable to rationalize anything besides escape and destroy anything that gets in front of you.

Danzo's eyes widened. "Kill him!"

Two anbu dressed in all black with plain white masks charged passed Danzo .

The Uzumaki reacted instantly, catching the anbu by their throats and slamming them to the ground in one smooth motion. The ground broke apart beneath them and they were killed instantly.

Danzo felt fear, true unadulterated fear... This was a man with the highest concentration of Uzumaki blood possible... had enough chakra to rival the strongest of bijuu's.

The man stood, radiating sheer power, slowly focusing on his surroundings. "If you'd like to live...don't come near me."

Danzo paused, feeling the worst killer intent he'd ever felt. The air became heavy, cold sweat hit him like a ton of bricks, his voice became shaky. "Anbu back off. He's above you, this man is far beyond your level."

The man walked forward, stopping in front of an anbu roughly his size. "Clothes. Now..."

The anbu removed his black boots, black baggy pants, and black sleeveless shirt.

The Uzumaki pulled the clothes on, never dropping his guard for even a moment. "How far away is the nearest Uzumaki shrine?"

"Konoha...middle of the village. East from here seven miles. There is something you should know... the Uzumaki clan is no more." Danzo thought smirking, I can still harness a wonderful weapon!. "There is only one Uzumaki left. He lives in Konoha. He's ten years old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a rather frail physique. He lives in the red light district."

The Uzumaki narrowed his eyes. "An Uzumaki, who should be considered at worst upper class and at best royalty, is living in the slums??"

Danzo nodded. "You see, he houses the nine tailed fox, so most of the villagers hate him."

"My cousin held the ninetails as well, and she lived in your village as well...let me guess, it's her son?" The Uzumaki crossed his arms, contemplating the information. "I'm going to Konoha."

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