chapter 17

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Casey's pov

"Casey you have a meeting to get to" Gerald says as I cling on to him the energy I had earlier now gone why was he doing this I don't know but it sure as hell helped

"Right well thank you do you know if Brice has gotten back "I ask composing myself as I walk out my room and towards the Conference room

"yes I believe they came back a few moments ago actually "he says just as I'm tackled into the conference room

"Casey Dawson were in the hell have you been we have been looking all over for you "Frankie yells and I just my smile sitting up and hugging him God I missed him so much

"hey lil sis Brice "says coolly his arm wrapped around Courtney and I jump up and embrace him inhaling his scent letting it hit me I feel like I haven't seen him in years but in reality it's only been three months

"So where's mom and dad "I say talking to him as Revana walks into the conference room and sits down and I turn to see that everyone is in here

"moms in the faerie kingdom taking over temporarily for you and dads over in the demon kingdom on business "

"oh right call her back here I will start on that immediately" I say towards Michelle and she nods

"yes alpha would you like me to open back some meetings that got cancelled because of your absence "

"yes that'll be fine" I say and she nods writing furiously on her notebook

"Alright now for the meeting first and foremost I would like to apologize for my absence and neglect on my alpha duties but I am back and I will catch up to my duties quickly" I say but I can see a couple of people's faces and they don't look happy

"why should we want you as alpha you left us for three months if Rose hadn't stepped up we all would had to dissolve" a young lanky boy shouts and a man smacks him up side the head

"Boy you don't know what it feels like to lose your mate because you ain't had yours yet Alpha Casey was going through a rough patch but she's back and we all need her with out her most people would have no home and been rogues so shut up" The big man snaps and my heart swells

"So what Alphas aren't suppose to leave their pack like that especially without any notice plus how do we know she won't do it again "a slim woman states and multiple people agree shouting there opinions and I just listen stuck in thought until one person's statement catches me off guard and I burst out laughing

"Say ha that again "I say composing myself asking the same young lanky boy to repeat himself

"I said we should have vote between you and Rose "he states and I chuckle looking rose and she shrugs looking back at her nails not caring for this conversation

"Look BOY only way someone can take over is if I give it to them or we have a traditional battle and in no way will there be a vote"

"Rose would you like to be alpha"

"No Casey I told you from the start that I will always be at your side never will I double cross you like that "she says and I nod turning back to the pack

"Is there anyone that think they can fight me for the alpha title because I'm sure ass hell not giving MY pack up "I say and Derrick gets up and I smirk

"I want to fight you ROGUE "he says nasty like

"Okay Derrick how about tonight at midnight when the full moon is at its brightest "I say smiling brightly that'll give me enough time to regain some strength

"YES that'll be perfect "he says walking out a little group walking out with him maybe twenty or thirty men and women and I nod I have something for them I think walking out to my room to meditate after dismissing the meeting people humming in excitement knowing a battle is about to go down

"Revana meet me in my room "I mind link her as I change into some short shorts and a sports bra

"You called your majesty "Revana giggles out and I smile

"oh how I missed your sarcasm "I say hugging her

"yeah I know right you know it's been so fun being big your not gonna change me back are you" she pouts

"hm oh no I want to meditate with you it should calm my nerves" I say grabbing her hands and sitting Indian style on the bed and she does the same

"close your eyes"

"relax but stay rigid"

"breathe heavy out "

"but light in "

"only hear my words "

"lose your anger "

"your sadness "

"lose all emotions but happiness"

"take that"

"swirl it around your mind "

"now open you eyes "she says and I do

"how do you feel now versus before "she ask and I feel around my mind and it's like everything that was bothering me evaporated thank the goddess for Revana I think as I lay down closing my eyes feeling relieved and energized

feeling a weight on my body after a minute I open my eyes a bit seeing Revana hugging me

"You know it hurt me when Falen died to because I feel what you feel we have a connection that no one else has and when you left my heart shattered I missed you and I miss falen" Revana say and I can feel her tears on my stomach

"Yeah I know and I miss her like hell too and I will find Tyler and kill him and his whole pack "I say now sitting up and cradling her

"Casey "


"I love you" she whispers and I look down at her and smile softly

"I love you too" I say whipping the last tear off her face and check the time hmm 12:01 wow time flies

"okay come on let me go show them that you don't fuck with a alpha" I say making Revana laugh and we walk out feeling way better now that our emotions have been resolved

"oh I thought you got scared and forfeited your alpha rights" Derrick barked out once I stepped out the house everyone was waiting as well

"hm oh no just chilling lost track of time how about we take this to the training grounds it's bigger there" I say walking that way

"alright is there any rules "


"what are they "he asks once we finally step in the training area

"right well rule numero uno
No shifting until blood is drawn "

"Rule number two
No excessive clothing "

"Rule number three
No Cheating "

"example no claws or teeth until blood drawn "

"is that all "

"hm oh if I win you and your little entourage leave this pack or die if you don't and never return if you win well you chose what happens to me" I say shrugging at the last part

"Can I have help since your an alpha "he asks and I nod

"Oh but if you have help I will kill them" I say smiling lightly at them

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