Sacrifice (Kylo Ren, Cousin! Reader and Han Solo)

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You stood behind your uncle, your hand hovering over the blaster on your belt.

You watched as your cousin dropped his helmet, clanging loudly as it fell on the hard metal of the bridge.

You were focused on his movements, you could hear him speaking to his father but the words weren't quite processing.

Your eyes trailed his hand movements, and realisation struck you fast enough for you to react.

You jumped in front of Han Solo, pushing him aside as you opened your arms wide enough to try and shield him.

Kylo Ren had drawn his light saber, holding it in front of him.

It took several moments before you glanced down and the pain began to register.

The intense searing through your torso was making everything around you seem blurry.

You could feel yourself begin to fall backwards, but before you hit the ground you felt a pair of arms catch you and lower you slowly.

In the distance you could just about see Chewbacca was wailing as he looked down at you.

"Get away from her!" You heard your uncle shout.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't–" you heard your cousin trail off as you met his gaze.

"Ben..." You whispered slowly.

"Shhh, Y/N. Don't try to speak, it's okay," Han Solo said to you softly, still holding you in his arms. You could hear his voice weaken as he spoke to you.

"She's trying to say something, let her speak," Kylo said, crouching down to hear you better. His father glared at him.

"Ben,," you tried to speak clearly, you felt your breathing start to slow down now, you didn't have much time, "be with...your family, Ben... our... family."

Your eyes closed with finality and Han Solo clutched you close to his chest, weeping uncontrollably. He finally set you down, kissing your forehead, but he stayed where he was.

Kylo Ren ignored the looks from his father, reaching out to touch your hand, "Y/N, I'm sorry," he said, "I'm so, so sorry."
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