☆ T h i r t y - E i g h t ☆

282 9 0

Jordyn Bell

"You remember what I said the last time." Skate says in that voice of his I hate, the one that makes my skin crawl and my stomach drop. "Go lie on your stomach."

"Skate please-" I start, already feeling a tear roll down my face.

"You better not be arguing." He says. "Lie on the bed now." I do as he says quickly and get in position, trying to cover up my crying.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

I hear the belt fly in the air and it cracks on my back, making me scream. "You really think flirting with my friend, while I am recording a song that is fucking about you, is a good idea?" I hear Skate asks.

The belt crashes against my skin again, with even more pain in this one and I cry out. "You were doing so well, Jordyn, so well."

Yet another lash, and I can feel the blood starting to come out of my skin. "After I get you Snoop and everything."

Another lash. "Laughing at his jokes and shit."

Another one. "Letting him put his arm around you."

I scream so loudly I'm surprised China can't hear me at the next one. "You are mine."

Another lash. "Only mine." After he says this, he goes on a spree whipping my quickly getting harder every time. After 4 more, I realize that he's reached 10.

"You said only 10!" I exclaim as he continues to whip me like a maniac, not even caring as my blood stains the sheets. Skate doesn't respond, it's like something else has taken over his body.

He whips me countless times, grunting at each, digging into my back more and more. I'm screaming more and more each time and eventually my back goes numb. I think I go unconscious but I'm not sure, the pain is overwhelming. I don't know when it ends, when it ever ends. It's my fault, I should've never talked to Jack. I deserve all of this.

The last thing I hear before everything goes black is Skate whispering, "You are only mine."

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