Chapter 1 : Day 1

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  Jenn's POV:

I was sitting on my front steps waiting for my best friend Sarah to come pick me up. A couple seconds before I was going to call her, she pulled around the corner and parked on my driveway. Yet sadly, that did not happen but this did. As Sarah raced down the street in her Volkswagen hippie van named lady and parked on her 'driveway' as she calls it or on other words the lawn.

"Hiya Jenn! How's it going?" Sarah said getting out of the car and grabbing my luggage to put it in the trunk.

" Good I guess, but you know you are five minutes late" I said getting in the car.

When Sarah got back in the car, she immediately said " You got the playlist?".


I put the playlist in and we started singing to the songs.

- 3 Hours later -

The car stated slowing down " Sarah why is the car slowing down ? ".

"I'm out of gas! "


" Well, gas is like car food. When car has gas, car happy! Car go! When car has no gas, car hungry. Car stop. Right now car is very, VERY HUNGRY!" As she said this, Sarah slammed her foot desperately on the gas pedal.

The car slowly rolled to a stop in the middle of the road. Sarah slammed her head on the horn in the middle of the steering over and over...

"No... No... No... No... Stupid... Stupid... Forgot... To... Fill... Up... On... Gas..."

The horn beeped with each head slam.

" Uhhhh... Sarah?" I asked, "If it's any help, there's a gas station on the other side of the road. We can push it there?"

"What no way I'm pushing Lady! Do you see how big she is.... No offence" Sarah said patting the car.

"We have to it's your fault we have no gas!"

"Okay fine." Sarah sighed, hopping out of the car. "Let's get this show on the road! Literally."

It took us 40 minutes to push the dam car across the road to the gas station. I went the bathroom, and Sarah filled up the car. When I walked into the bathroom, I saw a girl from my school. I think she was crying but i couldn't tell because her head was in her hands. I knew this because she sits beside me in Science and she always asks for a pen but never gives it back.

Ashley's POV

I can't believe it , but I have to believe it. But still! They had to have left me in a gas station of all places ! Why not a hotel? Even a motel would do, but NO! They left me in a stinking gas station washroom. At least they left me with most of the money , the debit cards and my passport. As I thought about all those things, someone walked into the washroom.

She looked at me oddly for a couple minutes then she asked " Are you okay?"

I didn't say anything hoping that she would leave sure enough, she did. When she walked into the stall,  I left with all my stuff.

There was nobody at the gas station when I came out, except some girl with frizzy red-orange hair putting gas into a green and white Volkswagen hippie van with a bunch of hippie stuff on it. At first I would have thought she was from some sort of circus, except I doubted that circus people came to the middle of nowhere. Well at least she had a car.

Sarah's POV 

Gas isn't cheap. Especially not in the middle of nowhere. But I brought along a ton of cash; all my earnings from delivering newspapers. I could cover the expenses.

I hummed a happy tune  as I filled Lady's tank gas tank. I was alone, but it was a nice kind of alone. Peaceful.  Suddenly, a slightly familiar girl popped out of nowhere and I mean out of nowhere.

"Sweet ride" she said, sizing up Lady.

"Thanks!" I said, putting the nozzle back on the tank thing and started to walk into the store to pay. When I got the counter, the girl surprised me by slapping her own debit card down.

" It's on me, " she told me.

"Sweet!" I said, using the same word she had said before.

We walked to the car.

"Nice decals" she said, tracing her finger around the peace decal.

" Me and my best friend Jenn did it last summer" I told her.

" Jenn?" she asked, puzzled.

"Jenn is my best friend in the whole wide world! We'er driving to New York together!"

"Ah" the girl said sadly, " Well that sounds cool and she seems pretty sweet"

I couldn't help but notice the slight accent she had and that she had most of her long hair dyed a magenta-blue colour.

"Your hair is pretty cool!" I said.

She laughed. " Hey, I like you. Mind giving me a ride to Boston? My parents left me here."

I hesitated. This girl was so god dam familiar. But I din't know her name. Should I give her a ride.

" Um.... Alright."

"Woohoo!" she cheered jumping into the front passenger's seat. I laughed and climbed into the drivers seat.

" The name's Ashley. If you were wondering"

"I'm Sarah!"

Jenn came out from the bathroom. She stopped when she saw Ashley in her seat.


"Oh, hey Jenn!" I said, excited to introduce her to my new friend. "This is Ashley!"

"We need to talk." she sounded angry. Uh oh.

I got out of the car.

"Do you know who that is?" she hissed.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"She sits next to me in Science!"


"NO! Not cool! She's weird. Her family does voodoo and stuff! Her dad did some weird magic spell to make her smarter, and now she's a whole class ahead! She hangs out with all the bad kids, and I bet she does voodoo on them too. And worst of all, she always asks for my pens , and she NEVER GIVES THEM BACK!"

"Um guys?" Ashley had rolled down the window and stuck her head out. "Just so you know, my family does NOT do voodoo. My dad was just a fortune teller for the schools fall fair one year, and believe me it was sooo phoney. There was even a who instruction book: ' How to be a believable psyscic"

"Then why are you a whole class ahead?" Jenn said, with her hands on her hips.

"Summer school.... Duh!"

"C'mon Jenn!" I said, hopping back in , "It's getting late!"

Jenn sighed as she hopped in the back, mumbling something about pen stealing.

"I know a rest stop we can crash at." Ashley said, pointing down the road, "It's just over there!"

The three or us pulled out of the gas station, ready for a trip to remember.


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Authors : coreys_1 and CWfan22 and of course me!

P.s every chapter is one day.

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