The Killing

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Chapter Thirteen

Tristan's Point Of View

Miles, Dez, and I had never really gotten along. Sure, we were teammates, but we weren't best friends. Now, we had to work together in order to save Zelda, and I was worried that it wasn't going to work.

I'm not sure what made me want to volunteer exactly. Maybe it was the fact that I had never actually done anything important for The Vipers, or maybe because I didn't want to see how hurt Zelda truly was.

We all waited around after Ryder and the other Vipers left. We weren't like Ryder. We didn't have a plan at all, unless you would call staying alive and well a plan.

"Well, guys, what do we do first?" I said. I was very anxious.

They both looked at me in a funny way.

"What do you mean?" Miles asked.

"It's simple, Tristan, we sit here," Dez pointed to the ground. "We shoot whatever comes close to the hospital."

"What happens if we are ambushed like last time? We don't have as many people as we did before, Dez. We can't just shoot everything up and expect nothing to come after us in return."

Miles looked at me and smiled. "He's right, bro."

"Maybe he is right, but he's young, just like you, okay? You guys aren't as old as I am, so I'm in charge."

"Oh, really, you are?" I said, glaring daggers at him. "Then what do we do, mighty leader?"

Dez was silent. "Look, we just have to fight. It's not that hard."

"Okay." I took my pistol, pointed it at a nearby Other, and shot. Again, I aimed and fired at another undead being. This was, unsurprisingly, attracting more of them to our spot.

"Stop, Tristan!"

I turned and smiled.

"Fine, you can lead us. Don't blame me if one of us is killed." He huffed.

"Alright, guys, stay close. Miles, cover Dez. Dez, cover me. I'll cover Miles. Let's go, guys." I whirled around and faced towards Miles. I aimed my gun at some nearby Others reloaded, aimed, and shot continually until the coast was clear.

"Thanks, man." Miles smiled and covered Dez.

Suddenly, I felt something grip my arm. I spun around and came face to face with one of The Others.

"Dez, what the Hell, you were supposed to cover me!"

"Don't... Don't hurt her, Tristan."

"What? Why?"

Dez's Point Of View

Tears welled up inside of me as I stared at my undead mother, who gripped Tristan's arm. Her teeth snapped and coiled around his arm.

"Dez, do something!"


Realization rushed into his eyes.

I had never been close to my mother, but seeing her here, in front of me, undead, caused my heart to squeeze. Miles had always been close to mom. I was a daddy's boy at heart. When Miles was thirteen, he was idiotic and got a girl pregnant. He regrets it to this day, but it didn't matter in the eyes of our parents. They forced him to move in with me. Dad only called on holidays and his birthday. He was devastated when mom stopped talking to him.

"Mommy..." Miles whispered softly.

"Guys, back up from her!" Tristan yelled. He punched her in the face and ran back.

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