Chapter 9:You've gotta be kidding me

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We got back to the ship as Cap'n was still laughin."I can't believe we actually did that!Did ya see their faces when-""We get it!"We all shout as we board the ship.We all go back into our rooms.While in bed,Me and Eduardo were silent." awake?"I quietly whisper."Yeah..So about just now""Don't worry about it"My tone of voice brought an end to the conversation as we both tried to fall asleep.The next morning,we were already sailing far away from Japan.While I was going towards the mess hall,I heard somethin comin from the basement where we kept all our booze.I took out my gun as I entered the room,looking around.I heard a thump!Coming from a barrel.I walked over to it and pointed my gun at is as I pulled it open.

"WHAT THE-?!"I jump away in shock as Soryu emerged from the barrel!"Soryu?!What are you doing here?!Wh-"Soryu suddenly fell forward as I caught him.Ah jeez.I forgot that he's seasick.I throw his arm around my shoulder as I dragged him to the mess hall.I opened the door as the crew were havin breakfast and was shocked when I came in carrying Soryu."Christopher!He's seasick!Can ya help him?"I ask as Soryu starts to stir."Carolyn?Why are you upside down?And why is there two of yo-"Before fainting again."Sure,come on!"Christopher helps me take Soryu to the infirmary while the rest of the crew followed.

I laid Soryu down in bed as Christopher tended to him.The whole crew stared at him in silence."How the hell did he get on our ship anyway"Eduardo glared at him."Donno,maybe while we were asleep"Russell said lookin at Soryu."Who is he anyway?"Morgan asked as he looked at him with a serious expression."U-Um,cap'n!He's uh....myexboyfriend!"I said the last words in a rush as the crew except Eduardo stared at me in shock."My guess is he must have followed me"I remembered his comment from the night before."Can we feed him to the sharks cap'n?"Eduardo muttered still glaring at Soryu.

"Hm...Let's wait till he wakes up to decide"That's all cap'n said before leaving the room.Soryu was unconscious for two days before I heard him groan from the infirmary.I went inside and saw him sitting up while looking around him."Carolyn!"He saw me as he tried to get up."Wait no!Stay in bed!"I push him back down again."So,mind telling me what you are doing here?"I look at him as he looks at me with fierce eyes."I told you I'm not letting you go yet Carolyn and I meant it"He put his hand on my cheek which I swatted away and could tell he was hurt by it."Look Soryu,I'm not yours anymore so why don't you just let me go..and besides,what about the ice-dragons?""I took a months leave so I could take you back"

I gawk at him.Take me back?"Soryu,I'm not going anywhere.I'm happy here.You're the one who shouldn't be here"I said before standing up."Come on,let's go get you some food"He stared at me blankly as I sigh."You haven't eaten for 2 days,aren't you hungry?"I enquire and he sheepishly nods a yes as he blushed.I bring him to the mess hall and told him to wait there.I went inside the kitchen and saw Nate there."Nate!Mind if I borrow some eggs?"I asked remembering Soryu loved omelettes."Sure"Nate replied not looking up from his cooking.I made some omelettes and go back to the mess hall only to find....

"Why the damn hell can't you just let her go?!She's my woman for pete's sake!"I heard Eduardo shout.I peek in and saw both of them having a heated argument."She was my woman too!I still love her and I WILL prove it!"Soryu shouted.I banged my fist on the door to get their attention as I stared at them angrily."WHAT AM I?!A TOY?!"I shout as they both looked downwards.I went over to the table and slammed down Soryu's breakfast."Eat this.Eduardo,turn around and get us back to Japan,it shouldn't be that far right?"I mutter coldly as Eduardo scratches his head."Well considerin that there's no wind and that we're a good deal away from Japan.The most is we'll arrive in about a week"I sighed in frustration."Do it,I'll tell cap'n"

I spun on my heels and dashed out the room before either of them could stop me.

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