Chapter 96

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Monica's scream was disturbing.


Jules quickly knocked Joseph away from her niece with a swift wave of an arm, but the damage had already been done; blood was effortlessly seeping through the wound in her neck.

"O-Oh my God!" Leah shrieked, barely audible over Monica's wailing, as she rushed to her side. "It's okay, Monica. I'll heal you."

Natalie growled and charged at Leah but was subdued by Braxton.

"Who could have done this to them?" he said, seemingly struggling to restrain her.

"Maybe . . . I could dispel . . . the hex," Monica said between her sharp breaths.

"No!" Vivienne growled. "That monster doesn't deserve your help. None of them do!"

She turned to face Joseph as he was getting to his feet.

She looked absolutely fiendish.


She slowly approached him.

"You. Despicable. Piece. Of. Sh--"

"What are you doing?" Benjamin said, stepping before her.

"Get the hell out of my way!" Vivienne snarled, summoning bright golden flames in her palms.

"Did you not hear Fawn? He's hexed! He isn't himself!"

"He isn't himself! He isn't himself! How many times must I hear that bullshit!"

"Vivienne calm down," Jules said.

"Aunt Jules!" Vivienne exclaimed in astonishment as she turned to face her. "This time one of those things attacked Monica! How can you continue to defend them?"

"Because we've taken too many steps in the right direction tonight to go backwards, Vivienne!" Jules yelled.

But her tone was weak. Jules seemed conflicted. And rightfully so--this time her family was hurt.

"Steps in the right dire--" Vivienne scoffed. "Monica has been infected, Aunt Jules. . . . The curse of the undead flows through her. If she dies--"

"Damn it, child, I'm aware!" Jules yelled. "You don't need to remind me what would happen to Monica if she were to die!"

That was the first time Fawn saw Jules lose her cool.

It was scary.

"Look, maybe Monica can sit this one out," Mama said. "The rest of us need to regain composure. Lest we forget why we're here."

Vivienne extinguished her flames and approached Benjamin.

"I'm this close," she vaguely threatened, holding up her hand and slightly parting her index finger and thumb. "This. Close."

"I'm sorry," Benjamin whispered.

"Yeah, well 'sorry' isn't going to fix my cousin."

Vivienne walked away, leaving Benjamin looking so pitiful that even Fawn felt bad for him.

"What happened?" Joseph said, finally on his feet, seemingly freed from his hex. His hand was pressed against his head as if he had a major headache.

"Joseph, you okay?" Benjamin asked.

He nodded.

"Yeah . . . I don't know what just happened."

Benjamin nodded toward Monica whose wound was already healing, thanks to Leah's healing magic. Though, Monica's neck and shirt was soaked in her blood.

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