Chapter 4

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**Maddie’s POV**


"Fred?" I nudge his arm, "can you give me a hand with this? Snowy's being fussy."
"Sure," Fred grabs my trunk and hauls it on board while I struggle with Snowy.
"Thanks," I sigh, finally getting her into her travel cage and sitting down in the compartment with Fred and George, "where's Lee?"
"He's sitting with... Uh, Amy Drew?" Fred asks George.
"Yeah, Amy Drew," George says, "he's trying to make Angelina jealous."
Fred rolls his eyes, but looks slightly irritated. I hide my smile from him.
I tuck my legs up on the seat and look out the window, letting my hair fall over my face.

**Fred's POV**
I watch my brother as he looks at Maddison. His eyes sparkle in the same way they do when we're about to prank someone.
"George, let's go see if Ron's okay," I say meaningfully, "Maddie, do you want to come?"
"No, that's okay," she says, caught up with the landscape, "I'll go say hi later."
"Okay, we'll be back in a minute," I say.
"What's this about?" George asks once we're in the corridor, "I know we're not going to check on Ron..."
"You like her," I say, getting straight to the point. George blushes.
"I do not! Well, not like that, anyway," he says. I roll my eyes.
"So you haven't noticed how her eyes sparkle like green grass-"
"Her eyes are dark brown!" George interrupts, then groans, realising he walked into my trap.
"You do like her!"
"Yeah, okay," he sighs.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I demand.
"I don't want things to be weird," George explains, "besides, I'll probably be over it by the end of the holidays!"
"Sure," I laugh, walking backtowards the compartment. George grabs my arm.
"Don't act as if you know," he tells me in a rare moment of seriousness, "I don't want her to find out. I don't want things to change."
"Alright," I promise, opening the door.
Maddie has her eyes closed tightly and her mouth screwed up slightly, the sure signs that she's thinking really, really hard.
"I've got it!" she cries suddenly, her eyes lighting up. I see George's mouth twitch into a smile.
"What?" he asks.
"I've thought of a way that we can make soap that looks normal, but dyes your skin!" she exclaims, quickly pulling out note book and scribbling it down, "I'm sure it'll work!"
"Great, we'll workshop it these holidays," I say, delighted.
"Then Snape will get a nice Christmas present," Maddie laughs.

As we approach King's Cross we all change into muggle clothing. After that Maddie's mood drops considerably. She sits staring straight out the window.
"What's up?" George asks, moving over to sit next to her.
"It's just hard to think I won't see him for another year," she replies, refering to her uncle, "for so long he was my best, and only, friend."
George puts his arm around her shoulders and leans his head on hers.
"You can see him during Christmas," George points out, "and Easter."
"Yeah," Maddie shrugs, trying to be optimistic when we all know she'll spend those holidays either with us or at Hogwarts.
On the platform we go through the barrier together. All around us are kids with their families. Maddie looks detached and lonely. Even Harry's Aunt and Uncle are there to meet him.
"Fred! George! Ron! Percy!" Mum rushes over and pulls us all into a big hug.
I turn my head and see Maddie throwing herself into the arms of someone dressed in old, faded robes.

**Maddie's POV**

"Fred! George! Ron! Percy!" Mrs Weasley pulls her sons into a tight embrace. I pull my jacket closer around myself, suddenly feeling cold and alone.
I turn, hardly daring to believe it. Uncle Remus steps around a family and holds out his arms. In seconds I'm being held tightly and kissed on the top of my head. I feel tears burn in my eyes as I bury my face in his robes.
"I missed you," I squeak. Remus ruffles my hair.
"I didn't have time to miss you between all those letters," he laughs. I laugh too and step back to check on Snowy, not letting go of Remus' hand. Hey, thirteen year olds need someone to take care of them too!
"Maddie!" Mrs Weasley gives me a big hug, "are you ready?"
I look at Uncle Remus and smile.
"I'll see you soon," he says. I hug him tightly again.
"Good luck," I tell him, "I hope you get the job."
Mr Weasley takes my trunk and Fred and George put their arms around my shoulders. As we're walking away Remus calls out one last thing that proves that the fathering roll has got to him.
"Behave yourself!"

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