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Emma walks over to Niamh and smiles "how you doing?" She questions.

"The pain is worse" she moans as she holds her bump.

"Do you want me to check you again" Emma questions.

"If you have to" she moans as she gets back up onto the bed.

Emma helps Niamh back onto the bed "right I have a junior midwife with me starting her first shift do you mind if she comes and helps?" Emma asks.

"That's fine" she mumbles.

Emma goes out and then comes back with a young woman who's in her early twenties, "right Niamh this is Katie, Katie this is Niamh" Emma smiles, Niamh tries to fake a friendly smile.
"Right I shall check you over and Katie you can check Niamh's blood pressure" Emma says.

Niamh braces herself as last time Emma had examined her it was painful, Just as Emma begins to examine Niamh, Joe walks back in.
Niamh can feel herself turning bright red in the face "How you holding up babe?" He questions.

"I've got that sickness feeling again" she says. Joe strokes her arm and looks at Katie who hands Niamh a sick bowl just incase.

Niamh smiles and sets it in front of her, She jolts a little and then is sick into the bowl, Joe rubs her back.
"Sorry" Niamh mumbles into the bowl as Emma looks at her and stops examining her.

"It's fine don't worry about it" Emma smiles.

"I think I just wee'd a little too" she mumbles embarrassingly.

"No, no it's fine not the worst I've had" she smiles.

"Joe that's enough! " Niamh snaps as her back starts to get hot.

"I'm sorry" he sighs as he sits down on the chair next to her.

Emma looks up at Niamh and smiles "I have some news for you" she smiles.

Niamh sighs, "what is it?" she asks.

Emma looks at Katie then at Joe "your fully dilated" she smiles at Niamh. Niamh looks over at Joe in a panicked tone.

"It's going to be fine Niamh, he'll be here soon" Joe smiles.

"Things will be fine, he's right, baby will be here soon enough" Emma smiles.

Niamh rolls her eyes and tries to get comfortable. She starts to get frustrated, "I need sleep, now can I please just try and get some sleep" she moans.

Emma shakes her head "sorry Niamh baby's orders he wants out" she says.

Niamh sighs, "I'm wrecked" she groans.

Joe smiles "oh Niamh I know you are but he's coming now" Joe smiles as he rubs her arm.

"You're starting to really agrivated me now" she snaps.

"Sorry babe" he says.

She looks up at Joe and sighs, "I'm sorry too" she groans.

Joe says nothing but holds her hand and strokes it, "Looks like he's a fast little thing here, someone's excited to meet you" Emma says as she sets a few things out.

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