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Dear Admin-chan and France,

If there is anyone in the world you want to meet, who would it be, why, and what would you ask them about???

Oh, and uhh... I don't mean for this to sound awkward, but can I just hug you two? You guys are awesome and everytime I read an update (or simply read older answers) it makes me giggle. xD

...Aaaaand an extra kiss for France, just because.


"Oh my god. You just made my day~. I can't believe you go read older answers. I feel like some people just read the questions they ask," I said. "So for being so awesome sauce, we shall answer your questions first~!"

"If I could meet anyone in the world... Who would it be?" France mused. "I think I would want to meet my soulmate. Who is the perfect match for someone like me? That's who I'd like to meet. Or... I'd like to meet God. I just... I just want to know if he is truly there for us and...and why I had to be a country. Why do I have to live forever? I can't decide if its a punishment or a present. I just want to know. In all these years, I've never met my soulmate or God. I'd just like to know, you know?" France finished, sighing.

I patted France on the back and kissed his cheek. "It'll happen. You'll find your soulmate one day." I smiled, hopeful.

"Ah oui. Merci Alice." He smiled back.

"Oh and YUSH you can have a hug~! Like honestly, you're the awesome one here!" I said, hugging Sora.

France stood and nodded. ((A/N: You better freaking enjoy this. Cuz this is just for you Sora. ;D)) He strode over to you and put a hand on your cheek. "Ah merci. I'm so glad you like the time and effort Alice and I put into the chapters," he said softly. He smiled warmly.

France wrapped you in a warm embrace, hugging you for a few moments. He pulled away all to soon but only to peck your lips. "I really appreciate it," he whispered.

Then he moved away, sitting back down.

"Thanks for the questions~!"

~Ask France Deux~Where stories live. Discover now