Chapter 5

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(Picture above is of her ring)
Calithiel made it to her old room. The doors opened with a creak. She could tell nobody has touched this room, except the person that kept it the way she left it, but cleaner.

She thought she would never see this room ever again. Her intentions were to leave Mirkwood for good. The dead queen was the only person she really trusted. The queen was a mother, sister, and friend to her all in one. The queen filled the empty whole in Calithiel's heart. She never meant to befriend the queen, it all just happened. The queen's dead broke her.

Thrandruil blamed the queen's death on Calithiel. They were at war with some of Sauron's army and she was supposed to protect the queen. She turned her back for a few seconds. Looking back now, it saddened her. One moment she was fine, the other she had an orcs' sword through her stomach.

Calithiel knew she could heal her, but the orcs seemed to be targeting her now. They knew of her powers, especially her healing that saved many. The queen was the target and she had to die. Stopping Calithiel would get the job done.

Thrandruil finally noticed the wounded queen and immediately ran to her, beheading orcs on the way. He searched the whole battlefield for Calithiel. He saw her a few feet in front of them, fighting as many orcs off as she could. Once she would kill one, another would replace the previous. It was a never ending cycle.

Everyone stopped to fight when they heard a horn blow in the distance. All the orcs started running towards it, leaving the remaining elf army in their dust.

Calithiel ran towards the king and queen on the ground. The problem was the queen was already dead. The sword had killed her in seconds, the poison on it quickly going to her heart. The king looked up at Calithiel with an angry look in his eyes. But, she didn't care about that. The thing that broke her was that she didn't say goodbye to her best friend. She never got to thank her for filling the empty whole in her heart and making her life worth living for.


A tear ran down her face. She remembered packing her stuff and leaving after Thrandruil told her to leave Mirkwood for good. Calithiel went to Rivendale where her good friend Lord Elrond lived. She couldn't take care of herself, slipping into a state of depression. Elrond had to force her to eat, sleep, and sometimes bathe. While she was bathing, though, all could do is think that it was her fault and would stare at the wall blankly. A maid had to come in and help out of the water, dry off, and get her dressed.

Calithiel that of how stupid it was to have them take care of her. She was the most powerful being in Middle Earth. She showed weakness, so know she keeps her emotions hidden and trust barely anyone. Every time she trusts someone, they either die or leave her life sometimes never coming back. She barely trusts Nestor, her own brother. They left her on her own thinking she could handle herself. Back then, you could easily tell when she's mad, happy, or sad. Now, you just see an emotionless face. Her emotions rarely came out to people around her.

The naive young girl grew up into a heartless ruler.

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