You And Me: Life Now.

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edited february 15th 2017

"What's dat?" Judith asked me, poking my now enormous stomach.

"There's a baby in there." I smiled, kissing Judith's small forehead. "Where do they come fwom?" Judith asked with her limited vocabulary. I looked up at Carl and we gave each other the most awkward smiles ever. "I'll tell you someday." I giggled.

"Now it's bed time, go on." I said as she sprinted for the stairs. "Be Careful, Ju." Carl added as she took the first step of the stairs. "I'll be up in a minute!" I said to Judith. 

"Okay mommy!" she giggled.

Her "Mommy" statement kind of always punched me in the stomach a bit. It didn't bother me that she called me mommy, but the fact that I wasn't her mother. I loved the feeling, but it was off to me as well.

Carl never tells me how he feels about it and I'll leave it at that.

"You should've told her they come from eating watermelon seeds. That's what my mom told me." Carl laughed, snapping me from my thoughts.

"That's her favorite fruit, Carl. Not a good idea at all." I added shoving his arm playfully.

"Well, I'm taking watch so-

I cut him off with my lips, because I already knew how it went.

"Already then!" Carl smiled.

"I love you." he said softly onto the side of my cheek near my neck.

"I love you too." I giggled because it tickled a tad.

"And I couldn't forget you." he added getting on his knees and kissing my stomach. "I love you and I don't even know you yet little one." he sincerely said examining my tummy, making a smile grow on my face rapidly as the words left his mouth.

He got back up from his knees and pecked me one last time. "See you in the morning, babe." he muttered and I smiled. I then trailed off up the stairs and heard crying. It wasn't Judith's and it wasn't Carol's. It sure was not Daryl's cries, because Daryl doesn't cry. He says crying is for little bitches.

It was coming from where Maggie's old room was. I couldn't help but open the door and finally realized It was Glenn. Once he saw my face, he immediately wiped his. "Glenn I'm sorry. I should have knocked, that's my fault." 

"No Ella, it's fine." He muttered, as I was about to close the door. "You want to share?" I asked him. Glenn sat up with his back against Maggie's old bed frame.

I shut the door and sat down a few inches from him. I patiently waited for him to respond.

"It's been some time sense Maggie died, but I just can't stop thinking about it. If I had turned around and had her back like she always had mine, she'd be here right now with us. I'd have the woman I loved and you'd have your sister." Glenn said, now starting to cry once more.

That punched a hole in my chest no doubt and even after my sister's death, it pained me to see that the person who loved her as much as my daddy and I did beat himself up over it.

"No, Glenn don't do this. Look at me, look at me." I got him to finally look at me and lay back on the crying he so desperately needed at that moment. "Maggie would not want you beating yourself up over this, understand?"

Glenn was shocked at my aggressiveness tone, but I feel like the more I've grown the more I know how to handle these kind of situations. "Here." I lowered my voice and handed Glenn the M necklace of Maggie's.

"Was this Maggie's?" he asked bewildered and I nodded. "You'll understand." I added and left.

I walked over to my bedroom, to find Judith already asleep. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she was. That makes me even more eager to see my baby. I knew it'd be a stupid thing to say my baby will be completely safe. Sadly, I knew that in this world the word "Safe" was not a common term or feeling.

I'd do anything to keep my baby safe and Judith.

I got into bed with little Judith and held her close. I remember it like it was yesterday, obviously it wasn't.

Maggie would do the same thing to me. She'd hold me close until I fell asleep.

Carl's POV

Taking watch really got on my nerves. We haven't seen any walkers in near five months. We hadn't seen other people either. I'd rather be with Ella tonight and every night. The fact that we were actually having a baby this time, has made me want her even more than I've always had. I can truthfully say that, that was a lot.

"Carl." I heard my dad's raspy tone from behind me, as he climbed up the ladder. He never greeted me with a "Hey" or "Hi" It was always "Carl." 

"Hey dad." I muttered, keeping my eyes on the outside of the walls. "How's it going?" he asked taking a seat next to me. "Bored, I want to be with Ella right now." I answered truthfully.

"You know the fact you and her had something going on really didn't come to mine and your mom's liking. Not anybody's for that matter at first because you were so young-

"I promise we didn't care. I have loved that girl since the day I refused to let her go home from summer camp without her in my arms just one time." I interrupted my dad.

"When I saw you comfort her at the barn, and didn't let her leave your arms I knew. I saw how much you really loved her. We all saw how much you really loved her." he added, kind of breaking into a smile.

"That's what you do when you really love somebody. You'd do anything for them. You'd fight for them until your last dying breath." he shot his eyes at me on the last part.

"Why don't you go on and get some sleep. I'll have watch." he demanded.

There was really no way in hell that I would pass that up to be honest. "Really? Are you sure?" I continued to ask my dad, hoping he wasn't joking. However he wasn't the joking type, so I knew he meant that.

"Ask me another question and I'll change my mind. Yes, I'm sure go on." My dad laughed "Night dad." I smiled at him and I guess the world hadn't take away his sense of humor.

"I can't wait to see my grandchild." he whispered to himself, but I still heard.

I hurried across the some what field to get back to the house, but silently of course. Once I reached Mine and Ella's room, I wanted none other than to sleep next to the love of my life. To my surprise, she wasn't in bed. Only Judith occupied the bed, but that's when I realized the bathroom lights on.

I knocked quietly and opened the bathroom door. I walked over to Ella quietly and saw her sitting on the edge of the tub with her face in her hands. She wasn't crying and I knew what was wrong. "Had that dream again?" my words shocking her a bit. "Sorry." I apologized for scaring her. She just nodded and shoved her face back into her hands. "Come on, I'm here. It's just you, me, Judith, and our baby." I added and helped her up.

I helped Ella lay in the bed and dropped down next to her. She took Judith in her arms and I took Ella in mine. I kissed the back of her head and rubbed her stomach. "I love you, baby." I said softly and she rubbed my arm. 

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