Chapter 5

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*Justin's POV*
I have waited for this moment forever. Ariana is so beautiful and the sweetest person I have ever met.

I didn't know she felt this way about me. If I knew I would have asked her out already. I made the first move.

I grabbed her and placed my lips on hers. Some of her pink lipstick came on my face and I don't know how to get if off but, we almost had sex. Until some stupid person had to interrupt.

"Stay here Justin." she said to me hesitating. She went down the stairs and I didn't listen.

I followed her out to see who it was. It was some weird man who looked like a pedophile.

Why is Ariana talking to those type of men? I breathe silently so no one can hear me.

"Ricky?" she says. "Who's Ricky?" I think in my head. I run his name through my mind as if I know him but I don't.

I have never heard of anyone named Ricky. I start going down the stairs but I don't want Ariana to get in trouble with that man.

If I see her hurt I don't know what I would do honestly. I care about her too much so I crouch in the corner to hear what they say.

*Ariana's POV*
"Uh hey Ricky what are you doing here?" I say nervously. I'm a mess. My makeup is messed up and I'm not surprised if he notices.

"Well you have been acting strange, is everything okay?" he said worried.

"Yeah everything's good but I was about to shower so if you could leave that would be great." I said.

"Wait a minute." he said staring at my neck. "Is that a hickey?"
"No, no it's just a new makeup product I'm testing, listen I really need to go so bye!" I said while slamming the door at his face.

I run upstairs and see Justin at the corner. "Well looks who's being nosy." I say with a giggle.

I put my hair up in a bun since it's all a mess. A piece of my hair hangs off. Justin comes close and put it behind my ear.

He kisses me once again and we smile at each other. "Who's that?" he said. "Well umm that was Ricky..." I said while turning around in shame.

"And who's Ricky?" he said questioning me. I try not to laugh because he doesn't know that's my boyfriend!

I burst out laughing and run to my bed. I lay down and he comes chasing after me.

"Ariana I'm serious." he says while laughing at me. "Do you want another hickey?" he said laughing.

"I don't mind." I said in a flirty way. He grabs me and carries me over his back. "Stop!" I said laughing. He smiled and starting tickling me. "Okay okay I'll tell you." I said laughing at him.

He glanced at me with a look. "Well if you didn't know, which you obviously don't, Ricky is my boyfriend." I said.

"That pedophile? Why are you dating him?" he said. I laugh inside of me because he is just so funny. I look at him and say,

"I have to... my manager told me it was good publicity." "How is that good he isn't even famous, if he was then I would know him." he said like a know it all.

I look down smiling because he just makes me so happy.

"Yeah your right but I don't know I guess." He looked at me with a smirk grabbed my hand and said, "How bout' we give it a try?"

What does he mean by that? I look at him and my eyes are wide open.

"Give what a try?" I said. "Us. Ariana when your with me I feel like a new person, you make me happy."
I look at him. Smiling.

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