The Tragedy of Knowledge

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Brightness of the brain
Turned to brightness of the blast.
Clouds of reason
Turned to clouds of the skies.
Efforts that once raised,
Now folly that does raze.
And as human desire dies,
Comes an inferno pyre's rise.
Manifest in a spark and blaze -
Once man's vital Promethean gift,
Now perverted in a tragic shift
And fall from benevolence
In earthly endeavors.

Now we arrive at act five -
The end of an intellectual Odyssey -
A drama spanning millennia -
'The Tragedy of Knowledge'.
Beginning in the bliss of Alchemy,
Closing in man's nuclear nihilism
With the last bite of his tail,
That has become our serpent's head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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