Chapter 1- Waking [Vikk]

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"Yo, guys, what's that?"

"Oh my god! It's a guy!"

"Check if he's breathing!"

"Its okay, he's alive. But unconscious. I think"

"Can you manage carrying him all the way?"

"Uh, yeah. Thanks, Jay."

"No problem. Now, lets go. It's getting dark."


Grey. That's all I see when I open my eyes. Just a wall of grey.

Tiny, spidering cracks lace their way across the wall, spreading out beyond my field of vision.

What if it collapses?

Panic rips into my chest as I stand up, stumbling to my feet.

I look up at the ceiling again.

The weathered rock holds still, old and worn. I sigh with relief, then gather my surroundings. I'm in a sort of cave. Light floods it from one small opening.

I was lying on a sort of mat on the floor. Who put that there?

Who put me here?

I carefully walk to the opening, crouch slightly to exit. It opens out into a sort of clearing; on one side of it is the start of a forest, with pale green grass sprouting up from rock; the other side is the side of... I step further out, and look up.

A mountain? This is where my opening is, but there's another one just to my left.

In the centre of the clearing is a camp-fire, surrounded by more of the type of woven mats I was sleeping on.

There's nobody here, though.

I walk over to the fire, which only has tiny flames in it. Cooking over it are several animal carcasses.

I look around. Where are the people? They must be nice people, seeing as they found me, put me in a safe place.

After I collapsed.

My stomach feels sick.

Lachlan... And Preston.

Neither had any memory of me.

What happened in this place?

I take a seat on one of the mats.

What happened to us?

All I can remember, is being with Lachlan on the red island. Sitting with him before the graves. Then It all just blurs together.


I can remember everything that happened up until that moment; Nade's death, getting captured and escaping, the sunrise battle...

Rob lost to Preston's sword.

Mitch lost to Mat's explosion.

Jerome to his Rope, several days after.

It hurts to think of what Jerome did, that day. Mitch died in his arms. He couldn't take it, couldn't live with the guilt.

Voices sound in the trees in front of me. I'm up in a flash, hiding behind a boulder. The voices grow louder, until I see the figures exit the trees.

A smile lands on my face. It's been so long since I saw these two.

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