Chapter 2- First four [Vikk]

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We sit around the fire. They give me one of their Rabbits to eat, and I slowly bite into it as they talk.

It's strange, meeting everyone again. Of course, I never knew Jay or Landon...

When they were alive.

I can't look at Landon the same way any more.

The grass rises up all around us. I glance up to where Mitch hides in a tree, and watch as he loads up an arrow into his bow. As he fires, we attack. There is a cry of pain from one of the Reds, and I look around, trying to find one of them. There. He's alone, sword held out in front of him. I swallow, and run up behind him. He turns just in time to see me, but doesn't react in time. My sword goes into his chest, and he falls to the ground.

I killed Landon. He may not remember it, but I do. I remember every detail of it. I've regretted it ever since that day.

Yes, I killed Preston, but Landon's death is what haunts me the most.

He's just a boy...

I shake my head, watching as the four boys interact.

Jay turns to me.

"Are you alright, Vikk? You look a bit... uh... off?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

He looks at me strangely, but doesn't carry on.

The sun is just setting as we finish our meal, so I help Nade and Jay pack up the mats. Apparently Nade took them from the Village before they left.

"Oh, yeah, there was this one thing. Pretty weird. I was in the market square, and there was a sign on a wall that said 'Welcome to season 4' on it. Strange, huh? I mean, Season 4 four of what?"

I gasp, and look at him.

Oh, I think I know what, Nade. Season four of 'throw seventeen of us into a world, wipe our memories and make us fight to the death!'

But I keep my mouth shut. I don't know why, but I don't really want to tell these guys about... Season three.

It just doesn't seem right.

We go into the cave, set up the mats on the floor to sleep. Ali offers to 'keep guard'.

"Why does he need to keep guard? What's out there?"

I ask Jay. His face falls.

"There's these... creatures. They come out at night. We saw them on our first night here, they chased us down. Tried to kill Landon. We don't know what they are. They're kinda like people, but... dead..."

So, zombies.

Just like before.

We dash across the clearing, swords swinging and clashing. The large emerald pillars that were once beautiful are now dangerous obstacles. Brayden has his bow out, and is clearing the path ahead for us. Instinctively, I turn and bring up my sword just as giant spider rams into me, pushing me down. It's knocked back, but I'm losing precious seconds in scrambling to my feet. The others are metres ahead, still fighting their way through the hoards. A zombie attacks me, and I barely have time to react to it when another comes up from behind me.

"Vikk!" I look up, seeing Brayden. He's stopped running, firing arrows back at the zombies who are attacking me. I fight my way through them and run to him. He yells something to me, and fires another shot, still facing my way.

"Brayden! Behind yo- BRAYDEN!" I scream, watching in horror as five zombies pounce on him at once. Immediately he goes down, the zombies ripping at his skin.

I hear him scream. It's cut off short.

I shiver, remembering Brayden's horrible death. Jay puts out the torch and leaves the cave, probably to sleep in the other cave.

I hear Landon breathing beside me. Is he already asleep?

In the darkness, I sit up, my back against the stone wall. I will not be able to sleep tonight.

There's just so much to process.

My Friends and I are trapped in a loop, I suppose, where when we die we enter a new set up. I have a thought. What if somebody is still trapped in a previous season, alone and forgotten, but hasn't died? Maybe someone has just arrived in Season 3, with a blue band and no blue team...

And no memory. I would never be able to cope with that.

I breathe deeply, feeling the cool air fill my lungs.

"Vikk? You awake?"

I hear Nade's voice in the dark beside me.

"Yeah... I've got a lot on my mind."

There's some scuffling around for a second, and then a small light appears, illuminating Nade's face. He holds a small torch up.

"Vikk, there's something you're not telling us, isn't there?"

I look at his face, glowing orange in the firelight, and nod slowly.

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