Chapter 36 - An Old Friend

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***Madison's POV***

I walk down the sidewalk, smiling at a few teenagers that I pass, a few of them that I recognize. I look around, trying to find out what store I want to go in, trying to waste time.

It's been two weeks now since me and Kian broke up, and I'm finally able to get out and do something without moping around. I've accepted my mistake and the fact that we aren't getting back together, so now I can move on.

I walk in a store and wander around, not really intending to buy anything, but just enjoying not staying at home with nothing to do. My eyes graze over a few items of clothing that I find cute, but I don't pick them up.

Suddenly, my body is pushed forward, an unknown force slamming against my back. Luckily, before I hit the floor, a large hand grabs my arm, yanking me back to a standing position.

"Sorry I didn't see you," a male's voice says. I turn around to see a handsome looking teenage guy, standing tall over me. His light brown hair and blue eyes make him very attractive, but I'm not interested. His expression changes and his smile grows wider. "Madison, right?"

I cock my head at him, wondering how he knows my name. I don't believe I've met him before.

"I met you a while ago at a beach party. Plus I see you around the beach a lot," he answers my unspoken question and I nod, trying to remember his name.

"I'm, Dr-" he begins to tell me his name, but he's cut off.

"Madison?" I hear a voice that is a little familiar to me. Soon, the boy in front of my is shoved out of the way, revealing a teenage girl who looks familiar. Her blue eyes and brown hair look similar to the boy's, and their similar bone structure makes me think their siblings.

"Drake move!" She grunts, pushing fully past him before she pulls me into a hug, the whole time I try to remember her name.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" She squeals when she pulls away. Then I remember her name.

"I know right? It's good to see you again, Sandy!" I say, smiling that she recognizes me.

"Where have you been all summer? I haven't seen you but three or four times!" She babbles, smiling widely.

"Uh I've been here!" I say, keeping up the conversation.

"We should totally hang out! Oh my goodness there's this party tonight at my friends house and you should totally come with me! And I need help with picking my outfit!" She says, pulling me behind her as she walks to the back of the store, Drake following us. "Wait are you busy tonight?"

She stops and turns to me, waiting for me to answer. I shake my head and she grins.

So I hang out with Sandy and Drake, who are actually cousins, not siblings. The whole day we go to every store, looking for an outfit for Sandy. She tells me I should try on things as well, so I do, and I end up buying three separate outfits.

The whole time, Drake just follows us and tells us what looks nice on us and what doesn't. I think I catch him checking me out every now and then, but I ignore it. I'm probably just overreacting anyway.

"Okay, so we totally need to hang out more often!" Sandy comments as we walk back to her house to change before we go to the party.

"Agreed!" I reply, happy that I finally have a friend that's a girl that isn't just playing me. Drake laughs at us as we get to Sandy's house which is literally a block away from the beach where everyone hangs out. We walk in and she leads me to her bedroom, Drake wandering somewhere else.

"So Drake seems to have taken an interest in you," Sandy lets out as soon as the door to her bedroom is closed.

Her room is decorated a light yellow color with blue and green decorations, a very girly theme to the room. She has pictures hung everywhere and even a poster if one direction over her bed.

"Really? I didn't notice," I reply, shrugging at her comment.

Yeah, I noticed, but there is no way I could act on my mutual attraction to him. I just got over my last boyfriend, and hardly at that.

Sandy rolls her eyes before grabbing one of my bags and pulling an outfit out of it.

"Wear this one tonight!" She says enthusiastically as she holds it up.

She's holding a pair of white shorts with a brown belt and a frilly yellow tank top with detail along the scooped neck line.

I nod, grabbing it and heading to the bathroom I've noticed is attached to her room, closing the door behind me before changing my outfit. Once I'm done, I walk back out and find Sandy smoothing out her purple button up top that she bought today. She's wearing light wash denim shorts with it along with black sandals.

"You ready to go?" She asks, seeing me in the mirror, smiling.

I nod, returning her smile before putting the clothes I was previously wearing in a shopping bag and leaving it in her bedroom.

We both walk out, finding Drake sitting in the family room.

We all walk out as the sun begins to set, the light reflecting off the ocean in a beautiful way. It's actually not very hot today, so our walk is pretty nice.

"So who's party is this?" I wonder aloud as we continue our walk.

"A guy that goes to our school! He invited basically everyone around!" Sandy replies, winking at me as she looks between me and Drake who are walking next to one anther. Drake, being oblivious, doesn't notice.

I nod as she turns on the side walk and leads me straight up to the door of a house, walking right in.

I'm soon surrounded by loud music and a ton of teenagers, talking, dancing or making out with each other. I don't see anyone I know, so I stick with Sandy and Drake. Sandy maneuvers through the people, dragging me with her. We reach a kitchen and she grabs a coke for all three of us, but I pass it up.

"Come dance with me." Drake nudges me, smiling as I take his hand. He pulls me through the crowd again, leading me to the center of we're everyone is dancing. People are pressed close together, all making room for all of the teens that are trying to dance. On the spur of the moment, I turn around and start lightly grinding into Drake. I know that me and Kian just broke up, but I decided to have a little bit of fun. I very faintly hear Drake laugh before he pulls me against him, encouraging me.

We stay dancing like this for at least thirty minutes until finally a slow song comes on.

"May I have this dance?" Drake says cheesily. I laugh, turning to face him as he grabs my wrists and pulls them up around his neck, placing his hands on my waist after.

"Having fun?" He asks, smiling.

I nod. "I haven't been to a party in like a month!" I laugh at myself.

"Sad life!" Drake teases, his smile turning to a serious one quickly after.

He slowly pulls me closer to him, leaning down.

"What are yo-" Before I can finish my question, Drake's lips are on mine.

At first I freeze and tense against him, not actually sure of what's happening. He presses his lips gently on mine, urging me to kiss him back, and finally, I do.

I kissed him not because I have feelings for him, but because I miss the feeling of someone wanting to kiss me. I miss the feeling of someone's lips on mine.

It's not the same as Kian's kiss, but it'll have to do. I keep one hand wrapped around his neck, while I move the other to his face, pressing my body up against his. Both of his hands move up, one gripping my hair, the other on the side of my neck, his thumb stroking my jaw.

Soon he shoves his tongue in my mouth which I would have normally protested to, but I don't even care.

As the kiss deepens, I feel his hand trail from my neck down to my butt. His lips soon trail away from my mouth to my neck, and I simply close my eyes, just feeling it. Then he trails his lips back up to mine were he hungrily pushes his lips against mine, his hand pulling my hair in a painful way.

I bring my hands to his chest, wanting to slow down a bit, but I can't push away.

Suddenly, though, a hand wraps harshly around my upper arm, yanking me away. Before I even have the chance to figure out who ripped Drake and I apart, a fist makes contact with Drake's cheek, knocking him backwards.

I stand staring at Drake, shocked. I finally pull my eyes away from him as he rears his fist back to hit the person back. I trail my eyes to the eyes, seeing an angry black haired boy standing only two or three feet away from me.




The last chapter I posted got freaking TWO HUNDRED VOTES.

You. Are. Amazing.

I seriously screamed when I saw that it got 200 votes.

Do you think you could get this chapter to 200?

I'm not setting a goal or anything because that's annoying.

Otherwise, sorry it took so long for me to upload! I've been having trouble writing this chapter because I honestly don't know how to do it.

I hope this is good enough!

So what did you think? Put your thoughts and/or suggestions in the comments!

Oh, and you guys remember Sandy right? I thought I'd bring her back!

So I hope you enjoyed!

Just letting you guys know: there is a sequel to this! It's named Over Again! Just go to my page to find it if you've already read this!

xox -Delilah

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