Pain And Confusion

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5:45 pm

Mason is going to be here in 15 minutes.

Looking in the mirror, I scanned over my outfit for tonight, satisfied with what I picked out. Mason texted me telling me to wear a nice dressing which I responded back with a simple smiley face and an ok.

I'm not really one to own dresses so I had slim pickings. I decided to wear my white dress that left enough cleavage out so I didn't look like I was trying to hard. The dress stopped right above my knees and overall I didn't look to bad. To add to it I wore my light blue studded flats and left my hair curly, fixing it up little with my curler. I was going to wear heels but it didn't seem right.

Scanning over my jewelry I picked up my mothers necklace. It had a gold heart with the words love on one side and family written on the other. I picked it up when Harry and I were cleaning out the house.

The image of Harry comforting me on my mothers bed after I remembered all the memories i had in that house, floated into my mind. In the last 24 hours I have not stopped thinking about all Harry said to me.

"Do you realize I miss you. I miss being in bed with you, I miss getting to wake up and see you smile at me. But what I miss the most is getting to call you mine. Emily I lov..."

As i hooked the necklace around my neck it brought a tears to my eye knowing that my mother and father aren't here to see my first date. They will never see me get married or have kids, nothing. But I know they are up in heaven right now, smiling down at me.

Wiping the wetness from my eyes I hear a light buzzing coming from my phone.

From: Mason (Starbucks Boy)

Outside my darling. :)

I felt my cheeks begin to burn as I read his text. I told him to stay in the car instead of ringing the door because Anne was going to sleep early which wasn't true.

I know it's a little lie but I didn't need Mason to ring the door bell and have Harry answer.

The last thing i want right now is to see Harry and have him run to the conclusion that i totally forgot about him. Which isn't true.

Opening my bedroom door, I grabbed my purse and headed down the hall.

The coast is clear so far. No sign of Harry.

As I began to walk down the stairs, Harry is heading up. Our eyes connected and feel my heart skip a beat.


I watched as his eyes scanned my outfit but he didn't say anything. We walked right past each other.

Why didn't he say anything?

Did I want him to say anything?

Reaching the end of the stairs I watched as Harry rounded the corner and again our eyes met but he quickly looked away as he rounded the corner.

What am i doing?

Opening the front door, a smile was brought to my face as I saw Mason standing by his car. He was dressed in black dress pants and a navy blue button down tucked into his pants. He looked dashing.

"Well hello ma lady." He said as he opened the car door for me.

"Hello kind sir." I giggle before sliding into the car and watching as he closed it behind me.

As he returned to the divers seat and drove off it hit me that this was a date. I'm going on a date and it made me smile.

"So wonder where we are going?" Mason asked, breaking the silence and my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2013 ⏰

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