X. Mega Man

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I ran faster than I had ever run before. Elec Man was about to kill Sonic, who would have possibly had a chance if it weren't for Time Man as well. My father was in jail because of me. My sister was worried sick at all times. All the robots had been taken over by Wily. But I could not let it all overwhelm me.

"Roll, patch me through to Sonic." I ordered. I understood that I hadn't said it very kindly, but she needed to know the severity of what was happening, if she didn't already.

"All right, Rock." She replied. "You can talk to him now."

I took a deep breath. "Sonic?" For a few seconds, there was no response except for a few strange noises, and I suspected that wasn't from the cummunicator. "Roll, I'm going to lose you here. The - " All was silent on her end. I suspected that she was dismayed and worried, but I would be fine in the end. "Sonic!" I shouted even louder. As I spoke, I tried to trace the way Sonic had gone. I just hoped I had picked the right path from the fifty hallways he had had to chose from.

"Yeah, I'm here." He eventually said. "But I won't last long against - arg!"

"I'm on my way!" I shouted, relieved to see Flame Man's lava pit room. Every bit of it had sunk into the fiery depths, and I saw no way to cross it. If I had brought my dog...

As I thought to myself, I heard a barking noise, and Rush toppled over me. "Roll must've sent you, huh? Good thing she's always on top of everything." I laughed and petted him for a minute, then stood on his back, telling him to go forward. Time was of the essance. Little bursts of fire came from the watery-red mess, and I took cation with Rush. If he went down, I went down, and Sonic died. Dr. Light would forever live in eternal sadness... That, and Sonic would be dead.

I shook my head. It was not time to think of such thoughts. I ran inside the room of purple-glitter Sonic had just entered when I had left him, and I heard the sounds of a battle. I hurried along my way, seeing Sonic on his knees, the purple armor of Time Man showing he was about to kill him. His gun was on the top of Sonic's head, ready to be fired.

"Any sorrowful last words, being?" He asked. The smile that crept along his face proved he was under the influence of Dr. Wily. I began to charge up my Mega Buster, knowing the time to use it would be very soon.

"Yeah." Sonic replied. "I don't like your powers very much." I blasted my shot aimed at Time Man, and it wasn't a second too soon or too late. I had my doubts, because Sonic was on the ground motionless, but I didn't see a single shot on him anywhere. Well, a single fatal shot on him. Otherwise, he was scathed pretty badly. Still, I was sure he would push himself until he couldn't move. Or fall asleep.

At that moment, I became the main target. It took me a bit by surprise. I hadn't expected them to act as if Sonic had completely disappeared from existence. Time Man and Elec Man both rushed after me, using their powers in a perfect team that should have been flawless. But they seemed to be holding back on me, seeming to be aiming their shots somewhere other than at me. Could it have been Dr. Wily hadn't reprogrammed them well enough?

"You guys!" I shouted in the midst of the battle. "You weren't programmed to destroy me. Come on, snap out of it! Don't let Wily take you again..."

Niether seemed to lessen in their attacks, and I had no choice but to damage them just enough so that they would go offline. That way, I could save them later when the whole ordeal was done.

But what I had to do was easier said than done. Much easier. I slid around one of them, hoping to dodge their attacks, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, after massive amounts of damage to my systems, I managed to get a lucky shot on both of them at the same time. Even though they had gone somewhat easily on me, they didn't completely cease their shots.

Enemies Merge (A Sonic / Mega Man Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now