Epilogue: Closing Time

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~You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here~

Third POV

The mission was a failure, and all of the returning genin were injured in some way. Shikamaru and Kouta were the least injured, having gotten back-up before getting severely wounded in their fights.

There had been five enemies in total. Well, technically six, as two guys shared one body. Choji and Asami teamed up to take down the first person, Jirobo. Then Neji and Aoi managed to beat the guy named Kidomaru. The Sand Siblings appeared at that point, and helped the remaining genin defeat the other three members.

But it was all for naught, as in the end Naruto was unable to bring Sasuke back. They had a huge fight in the Valley of the End, and even with the power of the Nine-Tails on his side, Naruto just wasn't able to defeat Sasuke, who's curse mark reached the second stage.

Naruto was in the hospital resting from his battle, as were most of the other genin. Akamaru and Shiki were both being treated by Kiba's older sister Hana.

Time was passing, and things were changing in the Hidden Leaf. Sakura had decided to train under Lady Tsunade to become a medical ninja, and Jiraiya had taken Naruto under his wing for training. All in all, Team Seven was growing up.

The day Naruto was planning to leave the village was the day that he realized he hadn't seen Kiyomi in a while. After the whole fiasco that took place before the Sasuke retrieval mission, nobody really cared about where the purple-eyed girl had gotten to. They just figured she'd show up eventually, and everyone would go on with their lives.

Actually, the only one who really asked about Kiyomi was surprisingly Gaara, who asked where Kiyomi was before the Sand Siblings were planning on heading back to their home. He'd wanted to see the girl, and apologize for what had taken place before the Chunin Exams.

But when Gaara heard that nobody knew where Kiyomi was, he grew a bit concerned. The red-head pushed it aside, however, and decided to return home nonetheless. Apologizing could wait til later.

Right before Naruto left, as he was saying his goodbyes to Kakashi and Sakura, that's when the blond noticed his missing teammate. He mentioned her lack of presence to Kakashi, who only sighed and told Naruto to talk to the Hokage about it.

When Naruto did so, the blond really didn't know how to react to the news that Kiyomi had left. Jiraiya shrugged it off and told Naruto that they may see her sometime during their travels. Naruto left the Hokage's office with a very strange expression on his face. A combination of guilt, anger, confusion, and sadness, all concealed under a look of indifference.


A shadowy, slightly misty cave. Ten figures, all wearing similar outfits. Black cloak. Red clouds.

One figure chuckled creepily. "It's been quite a while since all ten of us have been gathered together. Seven years.... last time was when Orochimaru left this organization."

"Orochimaru... that man has gained the Sharingan. Itachi's younger brother." Aforementioned man was silent, his red eyes showing no emotion at the news that his little brother was with the snake.

Another one of the figures spoke up. "That man is moving, but so will we. We have little over three years. In order for our goal to be realized..."

"Our ambition... the Tailed Beasts are a start. With them, and the remaining five... everything shall be in our hands!" A man whose purple-ringed eyes glinted dangerously exclaimed. The cave was silent, and then, as if a silent signal had been given, every person there dispersed into thin air.

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