never alone

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Three mons later ... we have settled back in to our lives .. I'm still only working 3 or 4 nights a week .. and I've joined a mommy and me class it's fun ! McKenna is walking so good now. She plays well with the other kids .. and I get to talk to adults! Other moms with the same husband and kid issues. Great advise . Wonderful lunches .. there is 12 of us mommas in the group . it's twice a month . We go to one of our homes the first time and we choose a place to go the next time .. so like this month we are going to Brenda house and then in a week we will go to chucky cheese .. it's a great way to get me and McKenna out this house and she has 12 friends . They are all her age .. I just didn't want to spend too much time with my friends who all live right here in this same neighborhood. And we see each other every day . And we'll marrissa lives 4 houses down .. she was coming over every single day. .. all day . And after the wedding and the things that Matt said. I felt guilty! ! I like marrissa I don't want her to get hurt . I don't want her to see the way he looks at me. Or over hear him saying something. .I've tried so hard to keep us from spending to much time with them ..once a month or so . We went to dinner with them last week. It was OK. Matt was being a good boy. And Jay seem like he was off in Wonderland. His job has become seriously stressful on him . Owning the company at 22 is not easy . He says he wants to higher some new people. . I don't know I'm home alone cleaning and cooking 7 meals to freeze . Zare took McKenna and her kids to the zoo. I just told her I couldn't go today .. I needed to cook so Jay and Kenna would have food already made on the nights I'm not home. .. Tammie called to let me know that her and marrissa were going to the salon. She wanted me to go. Nope I love all my peeps but today I need to catch up .. Jay called to say he would be late getting home tonight be had to drive up to Jackson .. he's gonna pick up McKenna on his way home .. should be here around 9 pm .. which means if I get all these meals prepared now and finish the house work and laundry .. I'll have just enough time to get a shower and eat h one episode of my new favorite show before Jay comes home telling me all about a business I know nothing about. Nor do I want to .. sry but I just don't . It's like 1:00 pm. And I've got the lasagna made and three loads of the 10 of Laundry. . And I've swept mopped and dusted the whole house I need to clean both bathrooms and vacuum my room and McKenna's I'm currently cutting up veggies for a pot pie well a very large pot pie .. when I hear someone knock on my front door . Dam. Really not today people. I open the wood door and unlock the wrought iron door. Matt steps in ... I'm in a pair of booty shorts a tank top . And flip flops on my feet . I have a tiny cute apron on hair on top my head .. and flour on my face .. yep hot mess .. Matt says some one is doing some serious cooking. .. I say no just preparing meals for next week. He says where is that beautiful Lil girl of yours .. I say with Zare today . I had too much to get done . He looks around .. ur home alone .. I say yes .till u arrived .. I look up at him. He says I need to borrow Jason's pipe wrench .. he said it was in the garage .. to ask you to let me in .. I say oh OK go ahead . U know .. he says OK . And is off in the garage .. I'm washing the veggies when he comes back in the house with two metal things I don't know tools.. he says u always sing and dance while ur in the kitchen , doing what most woman hate . U look happy. . I say Matt I'm a chef. I'm happy to cook . He laughs. .. can u not teach my wife to cook . She burns water. We laugh . I've tried to . It would be easier to teach the dog to drive . We laugh . He says yeah. I need a home cooked meal . I look over at my master piece pot pie . I grab some plastic wrap and cover it. I say here . Take this home and put in the oven for 45 minutes at 350 . Viola . He says no . U just made this for ur family. Matt I've got enough ingredients here I can make another one. And I do as he's still sitting at my table talking. .. he says u make it look so easy . I smile .

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