Error!Sans X Reader (Part 2)

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((You guys all wanted more, so here it is! All of these one shot requests are really good you guys! Please don't be afraid to request something.))

I opened my eyes slowly, and blinked a bit. My body felt something was keeping it down. I looked to my right to see Error Sans was gone. So what was this feeling? I tried to stand up, but only managed to stumble back. What is this...?

I had fallen asleep with Error Sans hugging and clinging onto me like a helpless child in the cold. After venting to me about his distress, Error Sans had fallen asleep. Now, here I was, and no Error Sans in sight. But my body felt like a weight, and I couldn't stand up. What happened to me?

Suddenly, I felt something wrap around my arms and legs. It tightened so much, that it caused me to let out a cry of pain. "S...Sans..!" I choked out, struggling to break free. Red strings were pinning me to the floor, and struggling only made the strings get tighter. The white empty world was now cracking, and turning black.

"(Y/N)!" I heard a familiar voice shout. It was Error Sans. For a moment, I thought I was saved. The footsteps got closer and closer, but the floor beneath me turned black. "Sans! Hur- GH!" I cried out and was cut off by the strings pulling me into the black floor. It was slimy and gooey, not to mention gross. I saw Sans try and pull me out by the leg, but to no avail.

I was being brought deeper and deeper into this black and gooey slime.

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N), answer me, please!" I heard a voice say. It wasn't Sans's. It was my friend's. I blinked a few time to see my family circling around me, and a few of my friends here too. "W...what happened..?" I asked, scared and confused. A horrifying scene had played out right in front of me. What happened? Was it a dream?

I felt something warm on my body...something unusually warm. "" I asked and held up my arm. It was covered in the black slime that had engulfed me. Nope. Definitely not a dream. I looked around, realizing I was in my room. Only, the floor was almost entirely covered in black slime, and the source seemed to be coming from the computer. The slime was pouring out of the computer screen like a hurricane.

"You were sucked into the computer, but we found a hack that brought you back!" My friend explained. "Yeah! Thanks to this professional we hired." My other friend exclaimed and gestured towards a man in a sophisticated looking outfit. He was wearing a white coat and a black shirt. He was wearing some denim pants and sandals.

I didn't have time to process what had happened before I saw hundreds of blue strings wrap around my waist. "H-huh?!" I asked. "Quickly! Grab her!" The professional ordered. These were Error Sans's strings...!

Did I really want to stay here? Did I want to go back? If I stayed here, I'd never see Error Sans again. He'd be all alone. But if I went back, I'd leave my friends and family to mourn over me. Why do I have to make this choice...?

My friends and family moved quickly and held on to my arms. But the strings pulled with incredible strength. I felt like I was going to be torn in half. "Ow ow ow! This hurts!" I howled in pain. "Wah!" I cried out and felt more strings wrap around my arms and legs. The professor grabbed some or of devise, and was cutting the blue strings off..!

"I can't hold her much...longer..!" And with that, I slipped from my friend's and family's grasp, and back into the computer. The black goo swallowed me up, until I was spat out on to the familiar white world.

My vision was blurry, and my body was aching in pain. My mind was in shock, and my legs were wobbly. "(Y/N)!" I heard Sans call out and ran to my rescue, hugging me tightly. I became unconscious.

I felt something warm around me when I woke up. Wait, was it the goo?! I suddenly opened my eyes and looked around. It was just Error Sans...thank god... He opened his eyes and looked around until his sight rested on me. "(Y/N)..!" He said happily and glomped me.

I giggled and hugged him back. "I missed you too, Sans." I said with a gentle smile. "Your family was trying to get you back but..." Error Sans admitted bluntly. "..I wasn't ready to let you go." He said and clung on to me tighter. I paused for a moment...there's still a problem that needed to be solved.

Should I go back?
Back to my friends and family?
I can't just leave Error Sans here, wouldn't be right. It would be a punishment to him just to benefit me and the happiness of having my friend and family around if I left him....
Plus, I've gotten too attached to him.
Now that I've gotten a taste of how lonely he feels...I can feel a stronger connection between us that I don't want to disappear.

"..heh, I promised you I'd never leave, right?" I asked with a smile. He grinned back happily and nodded. "..maybe you could come back with me to my world?" I asked. He frowned at this. "It would b-be fun! I bet everyone would love you, and-!"

"Look, I can't...." He said firmly. I was taken aback by this statement. "I'm a glitch. An error. If I came into your world, I'd be putting everyone at risk." "W-what...? N-no..."
"Look, I can't keep you here. You belong in your world. If a glitch stepped foot in your world, it could ruin everythi-"

I cut him off by hugging him tightly. "I...If you can't come back into my world with me, t-then I don't want to go back. Your my world now...your my everything, I can't just abandon you...!" I said and felt tears forming in my eyes. He fell silent.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he beat me to it. "...I captured you and threatened to keep you here forever. I kicked you, I yelled at why are you so determined to keep me company?!" He asked angrily. "Why?! Why why why?!" Error Sans asked.

"...after I got a glimpse of what you were dealing with, I understood why you were so hostile. I could feel your pain. I...I felt bad for you...and when you hugged me, I..." I spat out and held back tears.

"...God....your...your just..." He began, his face seeming angry. I looked away, preparing myself to take the insult. He probably thought it was stupid how I trusted him so easily, after all he's done. But he's a good guy. Plus, he takes the form of my dear friend, Sans. Behind (almost) every bad guy, is a someone who's just been through a lot. "...your just too nice."

My eyes widened in shock. Had I just been...complimented? "To hear my problems...and want to help me...even when I stole you from your family....that's...that's too nice..." Error Sans said and looked away. I was pretty sure he was trying not to cry. "That's all the more reason to give you must've been a real good friend...I can't take you away from your friends..." He said and shook his head.

"No! Your my friend now....I can't let you suffer like this." I stated firmly. "I can't let you stay here..!" He said angrily. My heart was beating fast. He was preparing to send me back to my world. His blue strings shimmered and moved together to form a big hand. I can't let this don't want to lose him.

My body acted on its own, and planted a kiss on his skull. His face flushed blue. His eyes widened in shock, and the strings unraveled and fell to the ground. I want to stay with him. I want to be with him.... I broke free from the kiss and looked at him. Tears were streaming down his cheek, and his body was glitching out.

"I-I can't do it..." He choked out, trying to keep back tears. "I...I can't give you back..." I put my hand to his cheek and smiled. "Then don't." I said calmly and wiped a tear away. "A..are you sure you don't want to go back?" He asked and sniffled. I nodded. "Yes, I've never been more sure about anything in my life." I said confidently.

"'ll be stuck in a world of nothingness..." He warned. "Isn't being with your loved one enough to suffice that punishment?" I asked he chuckled, blushing a bit more. "Yeah, I guess..." He said and looked at me with a smile. "..I love you." I giggled and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too."
((If you were given the chance, would you stay with him? Or would you go back home? Btw, since you all love Sans so much, a surprise One Shot is coming up next ;) ))

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