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After meeting everyone else I excused myself to go have some fresh air. Once I was outside I felt my powers surge. My eyes blazed magenta. I warped up the side of the building at full speed. The whole world blurred past me like I was on fast forward. I wanted to see the world I was gonna be living in now at the top of this building. The second I got up there I started to shout and howl like a madman. I could see everything! I could feel my powers pulsate. I could see the tall buildings around me, the museums, just about everything. The sun setting in the distance. This is just the best feeling in the world! How my powers gave me a sense of pride and belonging. I only wished I could use all of them. Being up here with the air whipping my hair around and the feeling of the wind caressing my body gave me a sense of longing. I sped back down so they didn't get curious and send someone to check on me. Everyone was lounging on the couches talking when I walked in.
"Just Della, if you please," I said cutting Steve off.
"Della. Tomorrow we start training so be here at 8:00a.m sharp."
"Will do sir," I said giving him a salute. He smiled a bit at that. I started heading over to the elevators before they started asking me questions. I passed this incredibly tall man on my way out. He had red skin. He looked at me and walked on. Did I just get the stink eye from him?
"Hey Della where you going?," Clint questioned walking past me.
"I'm gonna go check out that apartment they set me up with. I really hope they didn't break any of my stuff," I replied inching my way towards the door. He looked at me carefully.
"Alright be careful the streets are usually filled with drunks right now."
"Thanks for the warning."
I hurried towards the elevator incase someone else wanted to talk to me.
"I'll walk you down."
Turning to see who volunteered I was met with fear. Wanda got up and started making her way towards me.
"Thank you," I managed to say.
"No problem," she said smiling at me.
An eerie silence filled up the space around us once in the elevator.
"You're safe here you know that right?"
"You don't have to block me anymore." This girl just won't quit!
"Tell me what you do," I said getting annoyed.
"What are your powers?"
She hesitated a bit before replying. "I can control energy. I can lift things from afar. I can also tap into your mind."
Whoa I can do all that! Thanks.
"What can you do?"
"Plenty of things that you will see in tomorrows show!," I said sarcastically.
"What do you mean?"
"They're gonna make me show them my powers to everyone else here. "Training" my ass."
"How do you know."
I paused thinking if I should tell her or not.
"I just do."
It got quiet after that. I could see the anger on her face. To be honest I'm only a little bit sorry. This was payback.
The elevators finally dinged and I ran like hell. I was speed walking towards the front doors when she stopped me and took me over to a set of chairs.
"Don't think you're getting off easy. Pull the wall down."
Uhg! "I can't."
"What do you mean you can't?"
"I mean I don't want to," I got up and started to walk away. Once I pull down that wall she'll be able to sneak into my mind and learn everything about me. I can't have that. Stepping outside I noticed how loud this city was. Walking across the street was no problem. There were a few drunks but I avoided them.
I entered the building and walked to room thirteen. My favorite number! Don't you love it when that happens? I entered the room and placed my key on the table. All of my stuff was in boxes. How nice. I checked to make sure they didn't put any cameras or recorders in my apartment. Now with that out of the way I looked at the boxes. I closed all of the curtains to make sure no one catches a glimpse of me unpacking. In a matter of five seconds I had unpacked, made my room up, stocked the kitchen cabinets and did the living room all the while using super speed.
"Thank you Speedy."

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