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I held onto Daryl tightly as we sped down the road on his motorbike and headed toward the nursery.

We pulled up outside a small building with a small swing set and slide outside. I walked towards the door and slowly twisted the handle only to find out it Was locked. I turned to Daryl and nodded my head to the other side of the building.

"We'll Go in through the window." I whispered walking around the building, Daryl simply nodded his head and followed without hesitation. We reached the window and Daryl quickly broke the glass trying to make as little noise as possible, we cleared the glass and climbed through into the small building. I walked around the building with my bow raised and an arrow set in place just in case any walkers were lurking around. I came to a door and slowly pushed it open finding a big room with baby cots and cabinets.

I ran into the room opening the cabinet door where I found lots of baby formula. I threw my backpack of my shoulder and unzipped it, putting the formula into the bag. I stood up and turned around finding Daryl staring at a wall cover in cut out hand prints from children... One reading 'Sophie' which clearly reminded Daryl of Sophia.

I quickly turned away and headed into another room, where I decided to look for more useful things. I found some diapers and a few bottles. "Thank God." I  breathed out extremely happy that we found useful things so the small child would have a fighting chance.

"C'mon we better head back." I said gently to Daryl walking towards the the door.

"Yeah." I heard Daryl grunting behind me.

We rode into the prison on Daryl's motorbike, flying through the gate. As soon as we came to a stop I hopped off the motorbike and ran into the prison.

"Beth! Make up this formula please." I asked handing her the tin.

I stood in the middle of the common area looking around, I stopped when I seen Glenn emerging from the cell area. I quickly made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank God you're okay." He whispered combing his fingers gently through my hair.

I simply smiled and breathed in his scent. I turned around and looked over at a stressed Maggie trying to feed the new born baby.

I was extremely surprised when I heard Daryl say,
"Here let me." He took the baby into his arms and she immediately settled and started to feed.

"She got a name yet?" I asked Carl.

"No not yet, But I was thinking maybe Sophia? Or there's Amy, Jacqui, Andrea, Carol, Lori... I- I don't know." He replied shaking his head and looking down at the ground.

I swear My heart broke a little when he mentioned my sisters names and I felt tears threaten to spill over. Glenn must've noticed this as I soon felt a comforting hand rubbing my arm.

"How bout lil ass kicker?" Daryl asked looking down at the baby. "Huh? you like that sweetheart?" He asked the baby in his arms again.

"It's good right? Lil ass kicker?" He questioned looking up to all of us, while smirking.

"It's perfect." I said, shaking my head with a small chuckle.


I lay awake in my bed, Glenn's arm draped over my waist. It was around 3am and I couldn't sleep, ever since I lost Amy and Andrea I've found it impossible to sleep. Every  time I close my eyes I see them, their beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, but then they turn a sickly grey colour, their hair turns old and matted, along with their pale skin, covered in blood. It haunts me not knowing what happened to Andrea, she could be out there all alone, she could've found a group or perhaps she never made it of the farm. Amy on the other hand, at least I know what happened to her. She's gone, she died in my arms and I will never forgive myself for letting that happen to her.

I sat up and pushed Glenn's arm off my side, careful not to wake him. I walked out of the cell and into the common area where I found Maggie sitting.

"Hey you, couldn't sleep?" I questioned.

She jumped with fright and turned to look at me, giving me a small smile.

"Yeah, some nights it's just hard to take it all in." she sighed.

"Take what in exactly?" I asked slightly confused.

"You know, everything that's happened to us all the people we've lost. It's hard and I know it's hard for you too." She said looking at me with apologetic eyes.

"Yeah. It is hard, I get it. One of my sisters is dead and the other has completely disappeared. I can't sleep because all I see is them, I'm exhausted. I'm worried for everyone and all I can think about is what if Glenn's the next one we lose? I-I can't lose him." As I spoke tears started to prick me eyes, I quickly blinked them back not allowing her to see me weak.

"You don't need to worry about him or anyone else. We're here for you, Glenn's a survivor, he's a leader and he will make it. He's going to protect you and you are going to make it, together." She stated putting her hand over mine. "We're your family though, you're not just my cousin you're my sister and we need to protect each other."

"I should get back to bed, I love you." I stated pulling Maggie into a hug, I quickly pulled away and made my way back to Glenn.

I entered the cell to see Glenn still happily asleep. I quietly walked over and lay down beside him, careful not to wake him.

"Where were you?" Glenn asked slightly opening his eyes.

"Sorry, I tried not to wake you. I just couldn't sleep tonight." I replied turning to face him.

"I woke up as soon as you left. Just close your eyes, you'll soon sleep." He said pulling me closer and kissing my forehead.

I rested my head on his chest and soon enough sleep came.


I woke to Glenn kissing my cheek.

"Morning." He greeted in that rough sleepy voice that I love.

"Hey you." I replied putting my hands on his cheeks as I climbed on top of him, straddling him. I leaned my forehead against his before connecting our lips for a few minutes.

"Okay we need to get ready, we've got that run today." I said as I pulled away and climbed off him.

I got up and pulled my hair into a ponytail, I changed my underwear and put on black jeans and one of Glenn's baggy black tops.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna get up?" I asked turning to face him.

"Okay, okay I'm getting up." He answered, a slight smirk on his face. I jokingly shoved him before walking out the cell and into the common area where everyone was gathered.

I walked over to Daryl and gave him a small smile "Any sign of Carol?" I asked hoping she had been found.

When all the walkers escaped we lost Carol, we didn't know if she was dead but she was gone. We also lost T-dog, Daryl found his remains and they buried him.

"Nah, going back to look for her today." He grumbled "You and Glenn be okay on your own?" He added.

"Course we will, hope you bring her back." I stated grabbing a cereal bar and walking outside to get the car set up.

I turned around to see Maggie walking over to me "You guys will be okay, right? I can tag along if you need me?" she offered.

"We'll be fine, it's a quick run. In and out, we've got each others backs." I said giving her a soft smile.

"We'll come looking if you're not back by tonight." She stated walking away.

I turned around to see Glenn getting in the drivers seat so I went to the passenger seat.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Always am." He replied giving me that smile that could end wars as he drove out the prison.


Anna and Maggie bonding makes my heart so full<33

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