fifty one

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I love how I gave like no explanation whatsoever at the end of last chapter.

basically the beginning of last chapter was Harry's past. In the following chapter you'll see more of that.

It seems weird now, but I promise you that it'll all make sense in the end.


* * * * * *

Harry was just about 4 years old when his sister left him. Gemma was 8 years old when she decided to live with her grandparents. I know it sounds crazy that such a young girl makes a huge decision like that. Harry didn't understand why she left him. He was too young too understand. He was hurt and confused.

When Harry was 6 years old, it became worse. He felt lonely, even though he was still very young. He didn't have many friends, because he was too scared to take them home with him as everyone would do. He occasionally went home with someone else, but that soon stopped when they would ask him why they couldn't come home with Harry. Harry was afraid of what his new friends might've thought when they were there. His home was a mess and it smelled a lot like alcohol and cigarettes. Harry had to wear every piece of clothing he owned 3 times before he could wear a fresh pair.

When Harry came home from school, the house was simply empty. It was quiet and boring, and he didn't know what to do with himself. Once dinner time came around, his mother came home from work. She'd always have bags under her eyes and to be honest, she looked like she hadn't slept in days, which was probably true. Harry knew his mum missed Gemma a lot, just like he did. He wanted to visit her at his grandparents', but his parents would never allow him to go alone and they would never want to accompany him.

Harry missed having a bigger sister around to hold him and care for him, and simply be by his side. But he learned to live with it.

That's how it went on for years.

* * * * * *

"Harry?.. Who is that?" I ask and immediately grab his hand.

"Don't worry about it, babe."

"Violet, aka Harry's former toy. Nice to meet you, darling." she holds out her hand for me to shake, which I obviously decline, "Suit yourself."

I don't really know what to say, but I must admit, this Violet girl, or should I say, woman, looks like a total whore. And no, I am not the one to judge, but I just had to think that.

"Violet," Harry says through gritted teeth, "How lovely to see you again." he grip on my hand tightens.

"Oh, Harry. Don't even, we both know you don't mean it."

Harry sighs, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know, just some shopping." she says in a high-pitched voice, pointing at her shopping cart behind her.

"Cool, okay, if you don't mind, we'd like to move on now. Lucy, let's go." Harry drag me along with him as we brush past Violet.

"It was nice meeting you, honey. Be careful with that." she refers to Harry and looks at him in disgust. Then she glaces at me and eyes me from head to toe. Her eyes widen and are fixated on my hand, "You're n-not engaged, are you?"

"No, it's a promise ring." I fake smile, "Let's go, Harry."

And we walk on.

I stare at my ring as Harry pays for our stuff. I remember a day after he gave me the ring on Christmas Eve, he told me what it actually meant to him. With this ring, he promised me to always love me and help me through thick and thin, and he said he would never hurt me, not physically, because that's fucked up. I trusted him with that, accepted his love and promised to do the same for him.

But after just now, it left me in deep thoughts. Confused and frustrated, I thought of the words Violet had said.

'He might get angry, hit you and then leave you like he did with me and the others.'

Did Harry really hurt people?

Thinking of that made me sick to my stomach.

But what if it was true?

Would he really hurt me too?

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