Chapter 6

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(Grant Gustin)

Okay, so I did incorporate some fictional stuff into this story, so most of these places do not exist, even though I wish they did... :(

English was really droning on, I wish I could just leave this high school, and work at S.T.A.R. labs, it was my dream job. I wanted to work there since I got to visit there on a field trip in first grade, from then, all I wanted to do was become a scientist at S.T.A.R. labs. I even bought the autobiography on Harrison Wells, I was planning on reading it after school.

"So, Grant, you planning on asking that girl out? She seems cool, and you really need a girlfriend!" Caitlin asked me after class. We had almost all our classes together.

"I really don't know Caitlin, I mean, shes nice and all, but otherwise I don't really know her and all."

"Well yeah, that's the point of dating!" She winks and nudges me until I smile and roll my eyes.

"Look. Your cute, charming and funny, your perfect! Plus what could you lose?"

"Nothing, but I've never gone out before," I respond as I open the study center for our free, holding the door for her.

"And your a gentlemen! What more could a girl want?" She smirks.

"Superpowers. Duh." I joke. She smiles, "Okay, fine, if Ronnie had fire powers that would be so much cooler."

"See?! You fangirls have such big expectations, It's hard for guys to measure up!" As we sit down at a table and open our tablets, a guy comes over and starts to flirt with Caitlin.

"So, you want go out to the fall dance with me? You won't regret it." He grins, trying to look cool.

"No thanks, I don't go out with sweaty jocks who think they can easily seduce a girl just with her looks." she glares, making him visibly flinch and take a step back. As he runs away, I smirk, Caitlin was actually pretty cold to people she didn't really know, giving off an icy aura.

"I'm calling you killer frost from now on."

She rolls her eyes, "He was being annoying, and Ronnie already asked me out. Hey, you should ask Sara out to the fall dance, it would be a good start!"

"Okay, let's move away from Sara, lets just finish out English homework"

"Whatever, you two would be so cute together, and you know it."

After school, I end up at CC Jitters, I always read there and sometimes finish homework there, but as i'm about to sit down with my mocha, someone touches my shoulder.

"No way, Grant?"

I spin around, and come face to face with Iris West.

"Iris?! No way, I thought you were staying at Starling High till senior year!" I look at her, she's much taller than she used to be, but other than that, nothing has really changed, same dark brown eyes, dark hair, and smile.

"I still am, I just wanted to visit Central City for a couple of days, mom isn't doing so well, and Wally's back to his old habits, illegally street racing." She rolls her eyes, "I came back to try to convince Joe if he could visit her for a day or two, it would make her feel so much better, to have family there."

Iris had to leave Central after her mom divorced Joe West, and had Iris come with her temporarily in fourth grade, we've still been good friends, but soon after that, Wally was born and she had to stay with her mom to help take of him.

"Oh my gosh, really? Do you want me to come? I can talk to Wally too if you want."

"Aw, thanks Grant, you would do that? That would mean a lot to me." She smiles shyly.

"No problem, it would be my pleasure!" I respond with a small smile.


Ok, so maybe I put a lot of Flash references in this chapter, but I couldn't help myself :D Told you this chapter would be longer!

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