Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


We had her in the palm of our hands. Luke literally had her on the ground, and she somehow managed to shoot him in both legs with two arrows in one shot. Damn it!

I yanked the second arrow out a little to harshly and he hissed, "Damn, man."

A red switchblade was grasped tightly in his hand and when he flipped it, it revealed a very silver blade. "Is that hers?"

He nodded before handing it to me, "She threw it and just missed my heart. I'm starting to think she's not as good as they say she is."

"Didn't she throw it after she fell out of a tree?" I questioned, to which he nodded. "Then she's better than what they said she is."

Looking at the knife in my hands, I couldn't shake the feeling that it looked familiar, but when I couldn't figure it out, I shrugged and pocketed it. Luke stared at me with intensity and I furrowed my brows, "What?"

"Uh, nothing," he looked down, and a look of immense focus took over. Like something was working through his brain.

"Whatever," I shook my head, "the only good thing to come out of today is the fact that I actually have a date with Hailey tomorrow."

His head snapped up, "Yeah, about that, I don't think you should go."

I gave him a look that screamed 'what the hell are you talking about' and gave a half smile, "Luke, I'm gonna go on a date with my mate. It's not like anything bad's gonna happen. Besides, she's literally perfect and even after all she knows about me and what I am, she's giving me a chance."

"Yeah, but what if you don't know everything about her?" He asked.

Shrugging, I sat down, "It doesn't matter, everything about her is perfect. The way her eyes crinkle when she laughs, or the gleam in her eyes when she's happy. Or the blush on her cheeks when I compliment her. She's perfect, no matter what."

Luke sighed, "I'm just saying that, you don't really know her, so I think that maybe you just shouldn't go on this date and--"

"What the hell man?" I cut him off. "For the first time since my parents have died, I finally feel whole again and now you're trying to ruin it. What the hell is going on?"

He looked down and sighed, looking back up and placing his hand on my shoulder, "Nothing, nothing I'm sorry man. I just, I'm stressed about the Artemis situation. Go on your date tomorrow, have fun for once."

I smiled and clapped my hand on his shoulder as well, "Thanks."

He nodded, before getting up and leaving the house, making his way back to his own home.

Luke POV

Walking home, I kept analyzing the situation. That boy was whipped. How was I going to tell him that the girl he obviously loves, his mate, is Artemis, the huntress that we all hate with a blinding heat? I had tried showing him the switchblade, hoping he'd make the connection, but no dice. His brain was muddled with his feelings for Hailey, the one that he knows, rather than hating her for who she really is. 

How could I let him go on a date with that evil girl tomorrow night? She could easily kill him there, then take the rest of us down when we're weak and without an Alpha. I growled lowly as the thought arose. If I couldn't get him to cancel, maybe I could get heard to. As an agreement for me to hold onto her secret, if only for a little while longer. 

Stopping in my tracks, I spoke to myself, "I can't tell him. It would crush him." 

That left only one answer; he would have to figure it out on his own and I would do everything to drop subtle clues to help him along the way. 

I climbed into Chase's car the next morning silently, and he didn't notice, humming along to the radio as we made our way to school with a smile on his face. It hurt to know that our downfall was the only thing that could make him happy, as well. 

We walked into the building, myself trailing slightly behind him, and followed him up to the girls, Hailey standing right there in sweats and a sweatshirt, despite the mildly warm day. Chase didn't notice. He hugged her and she smiled up at him, glancing over at me, to which I gave her a cold stare. She seemed to know what it meant and flashed a smug grin for a second before turning back to Chase and smiling. 

"Ah, shit!" Chase suddenly exclaimed. "I forgot I have to talk to Miss Mulligan. I'll see you in first period, okay?" 

Hailey nodded, "Yeah, see you there!" 

The two of us were left alone and I glared at her, not able to contain my anger. Finally, I looked around for anyone who'd be looking and grabbed her arm, dragging her roughly into a nearby storage closet. 

She hissed at me, "Let go you bastard!" 

"Shut up," I spat at her. 

Rolling her eyes, she rubbed her arm and snorted, "Not so tough, are you? You didn't tell him, even though you swore you would. You wanted him to rip me limb from limb, correct? Well, that's too bad, because, I think he likes my limbs right where they are, thank you very much." 

Clenching my jaw, I held my wolf at bay, "Listen, bitch, I'll make you a proposition. I'll keep your repulsive alter ego a secret if you cancel on your date with Chase tonight. I don't want your psychotic ass anywhere near him." 

She pursed her lips and stepped closer to me, "That's cute, really. But I'm not cancelling. I'd like to learn everything I can from him. And, you'll still keep my secret, because if you don't, I won't kill you. First, I'll slit Chase's throat on our date tonight, in the middle of the public square and then I'll kill everyone else and keep you alive, just barely, to feel the mental torture of it all. Got it?" 

"He's going to find out," I bit out and she smiled. 

"I don't doubt that. But you see, he'll only find out when it's too late." With a smirk, she threw the door and walked out of the closet and down the empty hallway, making her way to class, leaving me standing alone with my thoughts. 

What the hell do I do now?


a/n: well, here we are! So Luke still has yet to tell Chase.. interesting very interesting. Also Luke's POV to show how he thought through his decision not to tell Chase about hailey/artemis. It's all very exciting. Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!! and to those who don't.. Happy Sunday!! above is the adorable Nick Jonas who plays Luke :)

QOTC: Do you think Luke will end up telling Chase sometime soon? 

AOTC: Well, I can't say the answer or else it will give away one of the upcoming chapters!!! 

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