Chp. 4~

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'Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He's getting closer..' John panicked and slammed his eyes shut. He wasn't prepared for anything right now and he wasn't sure what was really happening either.

Stop lying John. You know exactly what's happening you stupid idiot.

Suddenly, John felt himself being pushed back up. He opened his eyes to see Dave had let go of him.  John's heart was practically beating out of his chest by now.

Dave was casually leaned against a shelf, grinning at the taller boy.

"Fuck off Dave!" John said, obviously flustered and stomped into another aisle.

~Another beautiiful tiime 2kiip brought two you by II, the winderful 2ollux Captor~

They were now carrying groceries inside. When everything was put away the two sighed, flopping on the couch and let out a long tired groan.

"Hey John." Dave didn't really have anything to say, he just liked the way John'sname rolled off his tongue. And he liked looking into John's ocean blue eyes of which he swore he could drown in.

"What?" John was playing a game on his phone now, probably flappy bird.

Suddenly, Dave had an idea.

"Dude. Lets. Build. A. Fucking. Fort." Dave grinned at his best friend, anxiously.

John blushed furiously. "A...'fucking fort?....' John slowly turned his head to Dave who was now a red, Strider mess of irony.

"Oh my god. NO, okay. A fort. Just a damn fort." Dave laughed and rolled off the couch, pulling 2 or 3 pillows with him.

The boys fell next to one another, giggling. 

"Okay lets do this shit." Dave got up, holding his hand out for John who gladly accepted. Dave's heart fluttered ever so slightly when they locked hands.

"Dude you gonna help me up for just like hold my hand?" John shook their hands a bit before Dave snapped out of it, laughing nervously as he pulled him up.

"Are we gonna hold hands now?" John pulled his hand and Dave let go, coughing awkwardly.

~Oh wow. Anoter tiime 2kiip from 2ol. Can II go home now?~

"It looks so cool!" John jumped up and down as Dave added finishing touches here and there.

Soon both the boys were sat in the fort, watching shity movies and laughing their asses off. As the credits began rolling John looked at Dave, studying his already know features. He had freckles that John knew spread down his arms. John only knew this from previous situations where he had seen Dave shirtless.

"Uh Dave?..." John felt like he should confront Dave about his feelings?

Wait. Hold on. Feelings? Yeah. John had gained feelings for Dave since before they moved in together.

"Sup?" Dave rolled over on his back, looking up at John. John let out a nervous sigh, his hands shaking slightly.

"I um.. God its really awkward saying it like this now but um.. I reallyreallylikeyouDave." John said rather quickly, not making eye contact with the blonde. 

Dave pulled offhis shades, looking the boy dead in the eye. "I dont appreciate your stupid tricks Egbert.." Dave  looked really serious, as serious as John was when he confronted Dave.

"Dave it isn't a joke!" John frowned, his eyebrows knitting together. 

Dave's expression softened. "O-oh.." He stutted. It was now Dave's turn to blush. He bent down to kiss the raven haired boy on the cheek but to his surprise, John jerked his head around and their lips smashed together. Both their expressions were wide eyed and shocked. They quickly pulled away, silently staring at one another. 

"Uh... I need a shower." John said as an escape ticket and practically did a swan dive out of the fort. He desperately crawled to the bathroom, sittong the toilet lid.  His mind facing.

Dave was now say alone in the fort, his stoic face gone.

"Well shit."


HAH this chapter was really fun to writeeeee ;v;

I hope you enjoyed it!

Until next time,

Bye! <3

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