Chapter 50 "The Demon"

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Wednesday 7:00 AM.

"In Seth and Finn's Room"

After the nighmare that Seth had last night, he couldn't sleep all night.
But At 5:00 AM he fell asleep.

It was 7 O'clock in the morning and Seth was deeply sleeping.

There was some noise from the small kitchen of the room so Seth woke up immediately.

"What is going on here?!" Seth said to himself while still being half sleeping.

He looked at Finn's bed and didn't find Finn so he got up immediately from bed.

"Where is Finn?! And what is that noise!!" Seth asked himself then he started to slowly walk to the kitchen door.

Seth found Finn in the kitchen preparing something so he walked slowly toward him and suddenly he put his hand on Finn's shoulder so Finn was frightened then he saw that it was Seth so smiled.

"Ohhh Seth! Why did you frighten me?!" Finn asked.

"I am sorry.......What are you doing at this time?" Seth asked.

"I am preparing the breakfast because we will have a long day today.." Finn said smiling.

"OK! I will be waiting outside." Seth said and he went to sit on his bed.

Seth was sitting on his bed watching Finn as he cooks and he was still worried about the nightmare that he had

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Seth was sitting on his bed watching Finn as he cooks and he was still worried about the nightmare that he had.

9:00 AM

(In The School)

"In break time"

It was time for break after the Chemistry and Maths classes ended and the students went to the cafeteria to have their meals.

Dean and Roman took their meals and sat down to eat.

"Why don't you try to call Seth?!" Roman said to Dean.

"Alright......" Dean said and he took out his phone and called Seth.

Seth: Hello!

Dean: Hey Seth......How you doing?!

Seth: Not fine at all!!

Dean: I know it's because you miss us and can't live without us!! Hahaha!

Seth: You are joking?! I really don't feel good.

"Give me that!!" Roman said to Dean and ge took the phone from his hands and he opened the speaker.

Roman: Tell me what is going on?

Seth: I couldn't sleep last night......I am feeling so exhausted right now!

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