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Luke laid in the nook of Hudson's arm, relishing in the luxury of sleeping in past dawn. The mid-morning sun spilled brightly through the window. She snuggled deeper into her husband's side, not wanting her coveted time with him to end.

Her stomach growled signaling that she'd soon have to get up. Hudson placed a large hand over her rounding belly. "The baby's hungry."

"She's always hungry." A daughter would be good. A daughter would bring wealth into the family. In the beginning it seemed as if Lake couldn't get enough food. Hudson reassuring her that she could use some extra padding on her bones, but she wasn't so sure that eating them out of house and home was the way to do it.

"He needs food to be big and strong." Hudson nuzzled her neck. His way of assuring her that he was fine no matter what gender of the baby.

"I've been thinking," Lake tried to ignore what he was doing to her.


"You said when I got with child we could negotiate new terms."

"So I did." Hudson murmured against the special spot on her neck. It had come as a surprise to both of them that being kissed there drove her wild. "My terms are still the same, both A and B parts of rule one are still off the table.

She ran her fingers through his hair, loving the coarse feel of it between her fingers. "I was thinking more along the line of having my name tattooed on your back. Make this marriage more of a joint ownership."

He laughed or was it a snort. It was hard to tell. In one quick movement he was on top of her and had her legs wrapped around his waist, his mouth level with hers. "Not a chance."

Her whole world became focused on what body parts were flush against hers. "Come on, I need at least one part of you to claim as my own. How about a tattoo on your arm?"

"How about the bottom of my foot?"

"How about across your chest?"

"How about my heart?"


"Agreed." And he kissed her. 

Read on for the first chapter in the conclusion of Lake and Hudson's story in To Keep A Wife

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