Mirrored (A Harry Styles Lovestory)

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♥Jane's POV♥

l woke up by a loud beeping coming from outside my window. l groaned as l glanced at the clock and saw it was 7:20 AM. Who is up at 7:20 on a Sunday!? It was the summer holiday, and a 17 year old girl like me didn't enjoy beeing woke up at this time. l turned around in my bed and pulled the covers over my head, trying to block out the sound of what l guess was a truck. Wait - a truck!? l jumped out of bed and sprinted over to my window. l could't believe what l saw - someone was finally moving in to the house next door!

The house was recently builded up again after it burned down 4 months ago. Unfortunately, the last owners, who was a young couple, didn't make it, and died at the hospital only a few days after the fire. l hoped the new neighbours was as nice as the last ones. They were always nice and invited us over for dinner once in a while.

A tear escaped my eye of the thought of them. l really miss them.

l walked out of my room and down stairs when the smell of cookies found it's way to my nose. Mm, l love cookies. l walked into the kitchen where my mum were bussy making the delicious cookies.

"Good morning, sunshine!" she smiled and gave me a quick peck on the the cheek.

"Hey mum" l smiled back at her before looking at the table full of cookies.

"Why are you baking at this time of the day?" l questioned her, and noticed the time. 8:00 AM. Huh, l must've got lost in my thoughts after l woke up.

"Oh, l wanted to give them to the new neighbors" she told me before she headed upstairs. "Jane, will you deliver them for me, please?" she asked me while she walked away. "Ok, l just need to get dressed first" l told her and looked down at my outfit. Pink shorts and a white tanktop. My long blond hair was tied in a messy bun and my blue eyes were red and puffy because, yeah like l said, l just woke up. l hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower before I put on a pair of tight jeans and a blue hoodie. Then l applied a bit of foundation and mascara before l brushed my teeth. l decided to just leave my hair the way it was, and walked back into the kitchen to get the cookies. l placed them in a basket before l put on my white Converse and shouted to mum to tell her that l was leaving. She yelled an ok as l walked out of the door and out on the street. By the look of it, they were almost finished with unloading the truck. l walked over to the door and rang the doorbell. l waited patiantly for someone to get the door. The door opend and the most beautiful boy l have ever seen smiled at me with a pair of green sparkling eyes and dimples. Dimples was seriously the cutest thing ever. His hair was a curly mess at the top of his head. l wondered how it would feel to run my fingers through them..

"Hello?" l was pulled out of my thoughts as the boy waved a hand in front of my face. l quickly noticed that l had been staring at him, and looked down, blushing. "Hello, uhm, l'm your new neighbour, my mom made you these" l mumbled, still looking at the ground, and gave him the basket before turning on my heel and started walking away.

"Wait!" the curly haired boy said. l turned around, and watched him place the basket on the porch steps and approaching me. He held out his hand, and l nervously took it. "Harry" he smiled at me while he shook my hand. "Jane" l told him, and gave him a little smile."Nice to meet you, Jane. How old are you?" Harry asked me while showing of these super cute dimples again. "Uh, uh, 17?" The answer came out more as a question than an answer. He laughed "You're not quite sure, or?" l blushed and chuckled a bit. "How old are you?" "l'm 18" he told me.

"Harry, can you come and help me with the boxes?" we heard a voice from inside the house. "Coming, mum!" He answered. He then turned to me. "Guess l'll see you around" he smiled and winked at me. "Y-yeah" l stammered. He waved and walked back into the house while l just stood there, feeling really stupid.

Smooth, Jane. Really smooth. "This will be an interesting summer" l said to myself while walking back to my own house.


A/N: Hi guys! l hope you enjoyed the chapter, if l get 5 votes, l'll update another chapter!

Sorry for any mistakes :)

- Charlotte♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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