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10 years later

Summer's POV:

"Look at that! You can tell he's my son." I smirked at Ali. A proud, 13 year old Haider ran around the football pitch outside singing.

"Mum, when did you play football?" Amelia looked at me quizically. I gulped. I wiped away a tear.

Thinking of my life before Ibrahim destroyed me and Ali-Nooh was upsetting at the least.

But now, I'm 33, happy, wealthy and I have 4 children. The twins, Amelia and Haider and 2 more children. My 8 year old girl, Mia and my baby boy, Dawud.
"Before Ibrahim." I simply said and everyone went quiet.

We all walked inside the same beautiful house we had 10 years ago. I fed Dawud and as the children ran up the stairs, going to sleep before school, me and Ali stayed downstairs.

He was looking at ne intently and after 14 (or 12, depending on whether or not you count his 'death') years, I'm not over all the butterflies.

"Summer." I looked at Ali. His eyes were still the same green, his skin the same tan and his hair the same style.

The only thing that stayed almost the same was Ali-Nooh. He's completely normal apart from his breakdowns. I love him now, more than ever because him and my children are the only shred of sanity I have left.

"It's ok. It's ok to think about it. You don't have to block out pain. Pain is inevitable. You don't have to bottle it up. You can cry. You haven't in a long time. You haven't cried in years."

"I can't. I'm too gone... to feel pain. I'm dead but I'm alive. I'm here but I'm gone and never coming back..."

Leave questions for a Q&A or message me, please.
So that's goodbye.
Bye x

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora