Animal Instincts

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Dipper scrambled out the door and moved as fast as his deer legs would allow. He galloped into the woods, ducking under branches and pushing through bushes. He saw a log and panicked, not quite knowing how to jump.

Wendy was gaining. She couldn't think, or see straight. All she knew is that she was chasing prey, food. Something she could kill... But some part of her was saying stop, don't harm the creature ahead. She instead shook it off and continued running. It came into view, delayed by debating jumping a log or not. As she grew closer she could see it was a deer.. or a boy? Somewhat familiar... no its prey! 

She jumped forward and pinned the young deer down. It made a noise of fear, again familiar. Wendy layed her ears back and tried to figure out why. She scratched the haunches of the deer as it tried to get up. She flung a claw at its chest and it grabbed it as it went down again. Another protest from some part of her. It was aggravating her that she couldn't kill this deer. 

"W-Wendy?" The poor deer-boy asked, fear rattling through his voice. Saliva dripped from her jaw in longing, but again she couldn't bring herself to just end it. If only this part of her would just..

"Dipper?" She said without knowing. She squeezed her eyes shut and they returned to their normal brown color before flashing back to yellow

This was enough for Dipper. He knew she was still there. But to reach her? No clue. His chest was aching in pain and deer hind quarters felt like they were falling off. 

He clutched at his chest again as Wendy growled and pushed him against a tree. This couldn't be the end.. could it? He was getting woozy from all the blood loss...

Wendy saw the deer-boy close his eyes in pain as he struggled to breathe. Well if I can't kill him, his wounds will. She thought triumphantly. A headache arose as an inner battle came to be. Her eyes turned brown and she looked down at the now recognizable boy. 

"Dipper!" She yelled Scratching him with a claw as she tried to pick up his torso. She flinched back from the wound she caused and took in the rest. "I did this," She whispered horrified. She knew what to do.

She slid Dipper onto her back and started to run towards the Mystery Shack. He's going to be okay, she told herself. Even though she was having trouble believing it.


Dipper didn't remember much, only that there was a lot of pain, and Wendy had scratched him once more before she had him on his back. And then he assumed he had passed out, because when he woke up, he was lying on the couch in the Mystery Shack, his legs and chest wrapped in gauze. 

He rubbed his head and sat up. He was in an awkward position, his legs in the air, folded, his hands settled on his deer stomach. Wendy was curled up on the floor, a guilty look on her face as she watched Dipper. She tucked her tail underneath her and walked over to dipper and sat down next to the couch.

"I'm-I'm so sorry Dipper... I don't know what came over me.." She said, not even looking at his face. 

"It's alright, it was an accident, I think," Dipper said rubbing his sore leg. "Just another reason for us to find the cure."

Wendy looked down and got up to leave. "I'm just going to go home, before I try to kill someone else.."

"Don't! Wendy it's fine, you're fine," Dipper said trying to move his legs off the couch. Then they heard a knock a the door. 

"I got it," Gargunkle Stan said from the kitchen, coming in to open he door. He looked out and backed back inside, closing the door. "We have a problem."

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