Chapter 29

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Crow's POV~

9 months. It's been 9 months.. Wow. I breathe in the lavender scent cornering me in this bath. Jarvis found a few lavender and sage things and gave them to me.. Although I wonder if Jonathan told him to, he knows those are my 2 favorite herbs. I let a smile cross my face, the warm water calming me.

"Jackie, may I come in?" A manly voice speaks. I smile at his manners.

"You may," I answer. The heavy door creaks a bit as Jonathan opens it and quickly shuts it. He smiles, noticing my calm aura.

"I'm glad to see you so relaxed," Jonathan smiles, " It's like a mad house out there. Yet, in here, it seems much like a different world. You make everything so peaceful for the 4 of us."

"5," I correct with a weak smile. He smiles then lets out a sigh.

"I'm going to take you to Victor's today," He fumbles with his hands and sits next to the tub," We want to make sure you're where you need to be when you go into labor. He's made accommodations at his place for you. Pamela will be there, I'm sure Harleen, Y/N, and Selina will be visiting you." Jonathan runs his fingertips back and forth on my jawline. I smile at the simple gesture.

'Will you be visiting me?" I ask softly.

"Of course," Jonathan replies. He gets up, "I'll leave you to finish up. I'll be finishing packing up your things."

I slowly get up once he leaves. My body feels so heavy... I rub my temples looking at my reflection. My body feels relaxed, my thoughts at ease, but my mind is still a bit cluttered. Nothing can fix that. My hair lays in ruffles and tangles, my skin looks like wet marble, my dark eyes are hazy with strength..

I change as quick as I possibly can and leave to find Jonathan. He's in the living room sitting with my suitcases. Blue eyes look up into mine.

"All set?" I nod in reply. Jarvis runs up to me wrapping his arms loosely around me for my..our sake. I smile and hug him back. Always such a sweet man. Jonathan takes my hand in his and leads me out the door.

The black cloak I wear wraps around me from the wind pushing against us. The dark rainy sky wets our clothing, bright flashing lights echoing across the alleys. Jonathan ushers me into his car and closes the door for me. He runs over to his side and hops in.

As he drives us to Victor's, I take in my surroundings. Jonathan was telling the truth. The streets are littered with both trash- and weapons. People are fighting in alleys, clubs are open with drunk men and women, there's shooting in the distance... If the sky could turn red from all the sight of blood and gore it would. In the near distance I think I hear the Joker's maniacal laugh echoing off walls.

We get to Victor's and he greets me with blankets. I laugh and take them. As he walks Jonathan and I to my room, I spy a door opened a crack. There's a bed and tools.. Along with 2 baby cribs..

I'll be there real soon.

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