What Do We Do

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Every one was shocked. The little elf just killed a dragon, with only two arrows!

"Get some water and get him out of that ring of fire!" Thandruil was very worried for this elf. I mean, he just defeated a dragon!

"Get a tent ready for him, and I want a messenger to tell Lord Elerond to come to GreenWood as fast as he can!" Soldiers were bustling around following their kings orders. The king was not going to let this elf die at such a young age.

15 minutes later

Soldiers were holding a little elf. They had panicked faces. They were moving very fast, that you have to have keen eyesight to see that the elf was indeed wounded. Burned to be exact. The entire left side of his body was burned. Not one part of him was spared. Some of his bone on his face was showing. His left eye was sealed closed.

They ran in to the tent were healers. They all rushed to the elf and carefully carried him to the cot they arranged. They started to tend him almost immediately.

"Will he be alright?" The soldier was very scared for the elf. Seeing the healers face was enough to tell him that it was not alright.

"He might not live through the night, but if we're lucky to get him back to GreenWood we'll be able to heal him a proper way with everything we need." The soldier understood, he just didn't know how to transport him. He was still injured, and a horse was not an easy way to travel for a injured patient.

All of a sudden Lord Elerond came in with King Thranduil. "Let me see the elf." Lord Elerond heard what happened to the elf and was deeply concerned. He heard what the little elf looked like and had a suspicion who his parents are, but didn't know just yet and wasn't ready to tell anyone.

"Get me a cloak, and get a horse ready."

"But he was just burned my lord, he is probably really hot?"

"Well, he will get cold once we start the journey and I would not question this again if you want him to live." Lord Elerond was getting a little bit annoyed. The soldiers left the tent to for fill Lord Eleronds orders.

When they left, King Thranduil asked, "You know something, what is it?" Thranduil and Elerond have been friends for so long that they knew that something was up even with their best mask.

"When you explained him to me, I saw a vision. He was in it, but the rest I am still trying to figure out. The perspective wasn't mine, it was someone else." Thranduil could tell he wasn't going to tell any more.

The soldiers finally returned. "Everything is ready my lords."

Know it was time. It's time to reveal who this mysterious little elf is.

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