Chapter 29

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Marcel left Josh, who was compelled by Klaus, with Davina. Adelaide joined her side when she stopped for the first time to let him breath. "You know, there is an easier way."

They both looked at her. "How?"

"I'm a Vampire, an Original. I can compel the other Originals. What if I compel you to forget what Niklaus compelled you? You'd be rid of it. I could even do the spell afterwards to see if it worked."

"Will it hurt?" Josh asked.

"No, darling, it won't." Adelaide said. "I guess."

"Wait, what do you mean, you guess? You don't know?"

"I never had to do this before, Josh, you're my first. Wow, that sounded weird." Adelaide said in one breath.

Josh had to keep his laughter in but nodded when he thought about it. "It's worth the shot."

A lot of pain later, Adelaide gave up. "The compulsion isn't working. I mean, obviously Klaus compelled you against this. How did he know this would happen?" Adelaide yelled frustrated.

"Hey, calm down, Adelaide-"

"Addy, call me Addy, all my friends do and I think we could call each other friends."

Davina smiled. "Addy, working yourself up like that isn't healthy."

"Not for you or your baby." Josh agreed. "This isn't your fault, Adelaide, just continue with the spell."

While Adelaide was working with compulsion, Davina was practising the spell. Now Adelaide had enough, normally, it should've been gone by now. Adelaide joined Davina's side and helped her with the spell, hoping it would end sooner for Josh.

Adelaide actually liked the young Vampire. He did not want this but he made the best out of it. He didn't want to follow Klaus either, it was clear he was happy with being loyal to Marcel but Klaus took that chance. Josh didn't want any of this but Adelaide could see him being a great Vampire once.

"I'm sorry, but it's just gonna get worse. Klaus' compulsion runs deep." Davina said while Adelaide helped him back into the chair he fell out when he was screaming in pain.

"You need to think of something else. Take your mind off it." Adelaide said.

"Do you like music?" Davina asked.

"What? I can't think of music right now." Josh said, still panting from the pain.

"Why?" Davina asked with a sigh.

"I dunno, maybe because you're giving me a Voodoo lobotomy!" Josh explained in a frustrated tone.

"Do you like jazz?" Davina asked.

Josh sighed in frustration and Adelaide decided to take over. "What then?"

"Club stuff." He said, he elaborated when he saw Davina's confused face. "House? Trance? You know, 'unce unce unce unce?'"

"We're witches, not Amish!" Adelaide snapped.

"It's just, I'm only sixteen, I don't go to clubs." Davina explained.

"Yeah, and I'm a thousand years old. When I went to clubs, they actually did play jazz."

"When I was sixteen, I'd been to, like, a hundred clubs. "He paused. "God, that was only four years ago. It feels like another life. All I wanted to do is meet boys. Things are so much more complicated. Now, all I want to do is meet boys, feed on people's blood, get one of those daylight rings so I don't burn in the sunlight." He laughed bitterly."All perfectly normal things."

"I like the classics. Puccini, Bach, Mozart. I took piano, not that it matters while I'm stuck here." Davina said with a sad tone lacing her voice.

"Marcel's worried that someone could hear. It's not his fault, he just wants to keep her safe." Adelaide explained.

"Safe from what?" The young vampire asked confused.

"Basically, a coven of psycho witches wants to sacrifice me in a blood ritual."

" Oh! Wow, okay, uhhh... I'm sorry?"

"Don't be. I'm going to destroy them all. And once they're gone, everything will go back to normal. I'll have my old life back!" Davina smiled happily while Adelaide and Josh shared concerned glances but smiled back at her anyway.

Later, Davina explaimed hammily; "That's it. You're free!"

"You're right! I can feel it." He said causing Davina to giggle. "Before, I was always thinking about what Klaus would want me to do. Now, I'm like, 'Screw that guy!'" Josh explained. "Klaus Mikaelson can suck it!"

Davina looked sad though, when Josh was laughing, something both he and the older vampire picked up on. "D, what is it?"

"Marcel wants me to make you forget about me." Davina explained.

"Oh, you don't have to do that! I, like, owe you my life!" Davina smiled weakly at him. "I'l keep your secret! Besides, it's kind of nice, just talking to someone normal again."

"You think I'm normal? I'm a sixteen-year-old witch living in an attic like some kind of freak." Davina asked.

"I'm a gay club kid who died and came back as a vampire. Yeah, normal's kind of relative, you know?" They both laughed, and Josh extended his pinky to her. "Here, pinky swear on it." The two of them lined pinkies and Adelaide smiled at the sight. Josh turned to her. "What about you? I actually kind of like you, will you make me forget about this?"

"No, 'cause I actually kind of like you as well. You're a great kid. I can see you being a great Vampire one day, Josh."

Josh smiled and hugged before turning back to Davina. "And now?"

"Now we wait until Marcel returns." Davina explained. "Are you going to wait with us?"

"Sure, I have nothing better to do. You were going to practice that spell, young lady. Come on, inflict some pain on me, Witch!"

Davina walked in front of Adelaide who started muttering the incantation. "Infero Eseri Gratas, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Victamas Veras. Phasmatos Tribum, Niha Sue Exilum, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Levam, Mina Sue Te, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Phasmatos Veras. Fes Matos Tribum, Mas Pro Tes Unum. Victas Ex Melam, Phasmatos Vanem. Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te."

Adelaide doubled over in pain as she felt the heavy pressure in her head but it was only a matter of seconds before she composed herself.

"Okay, I should have thought of this earlier but I'm not the right person to do this. I'm 1000 years old, that doesn't work on me. Newbies are better for this."

They both looked at Josh.

"Haven't I been in enough pain today?" He sighed.

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