Chapter 20

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**Maddie's POV**

"Maddie!" George and Fred trip over each other and land, sprawled in front of me.
"Wow guys, I know I'm hot, but really," I joke, looking down at them as they straighten themselves out.
"Hogsmeade visit tomorrow!" Fred says.
"We need to study," I point out, "we have exams next week."
"No! Please!" George groans, dropping to his knees, "release us from these shackles!"
"Don't be such a drama queen," I laugh, "get up!"
"Not until you promise we can go!" Fred says, dropping to his knees too.
"Alright, we'll go," I tell them, "now, get up and finish your homework!"

"It's time we headed back," I comment after a long day of roaming Hogsmeade.
"You look pale, maybe we should stop in the Three Broomsticks," Fred suggests. I roll my eyes.
"It's the dementors," I tell him, "besides, it'll get dark soon."
"Alright, let's go," George says, "I wouldn't want to miss dinner."
"Heaven forbid you miss an opportunity to eat," I joke. As we approach the school gates I feel the dementors. I can feel the tug on my mind and shiver.
"Quick, let's go," I mutter, trying to walk faster, but my limbs feel as if they're made of lead.

**George's POV**

Fred and I begin walking faster, noticing Maddie's pale face. We've almost reached the school gates when we hear her gasp and turn around. About twenty metres back Maddie is lying slumped on the ground. We sprint back to her.
"Maddie?" I call lifting her head up, "what's wrong with her?"
"It's like she's fainted," Fred says, "but... Not."
"We'd better get her to the school."
We take her straight to the hospital wing and call Madame Pomfrey.
"Those damn dementors," she scowls as she walks towards Maddie's bed. When she sees Maddie she stops dead.
"Get Professors Lupin, McGonagal and Dumbledore," she says, bending over Maddie. I look at Fred.
"You get Lupin," he says quickly, "I'll get the others."
I nod briefly and sprint out and down the stairs. I arrive outside Lupin's office out of breath. I knock hurriedly, then burst in before he finishes saying "Come in".
"George, what-"
"It's Maddie," I wheeze, "Hospital... Collapsed... Dementors..."
His eyes widen and he follows me at a full sprint back to the hospital. Somehow McGonagal, Dumbledore and Fred are already there.
"Has it-" Lupin begins.
"It has," Dumbledore confirms with a nod.
"Can we do anything?" McGonagal asks, looking anxious. Dumbledore shakes his head, looking grave. Lupin sits down beside the bed, his face ashen.
"What's going on?" I ask, feeling panicy. The three teachers look at Fred and I as if they've only just realised we're there.
"It will be up to Miss Black to explain, if she wishes to," McGonagal says calmly.
"NO!" I yell, "WHAT'S GOING ON?"
I feel Fred's hand on my shoulder and see Lupin looking at me carefully.
"When Maddison was young," he sighs, "she... witnessed something... Something horrible. We couldn't take the memory from her, so we bound it. We thought it would last, but the dementors have weakened the hold. At first we thought maybe it wouldn't break, but..."
"It has," I breathe moving to stand close by Maddie's head, "what will happen now?"
"She will remember it as though it just happened," Lupin says, putting his head in his hands, "perhaps it would have been better to let her deal with it then and save her the pain now."
"Why didn't you just leave it?" Fred asks from close behind me.
"She was three," McGonagal says quietly, "the impact it would have had on her..."
"What do we do now?" I ask, slipping my hand into Maddie's. It feels like ice.
"We simply wait."

A Master Of Mischief ~ George Weasley Love Story ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now