•Missing Mother•

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"I really need to visit my Mom. I haven't talked to her in awhile." I told Robin.

He slipped on his converses, "Alright. Sounds good, when are we going."

I stared at his eagerness, "We?" I asked.

He nodded with a sly grin, "Yes, We. I might as well meet your Mom if we are going to become an item."

I watched as he propped his head up on my desk with his well toned arms. My eyes hovered there a little to long, until he dipped his head and caught my attention.

"If you're done checking me out, we can go now." He suggested.

I rolled my eyes, "Wait outside." I didn't give him enough time to answer until I pulled him out of the chair and shoved him towards the door.

"Wait. It might be dangerous, I'll need to stay in your room with you." He exclaimed.

"Get out." I mocked.

He turned around and in a swift motion kissed me and closed the door.

"Wh-- I'm going to go put on clothes." I said, I wasn't even phased by his actions anymore.

And it's not like I objected, soo ;)

I picked out a maroon shirt, black jeans and my favorite converses. Throwing it on, I brushed my hair quickly, slapped on some mascara, and walked out of the door.

Robin slipped a sneaky arm around my waist and ran down the stairs.

"Oh my G--" I didn't get to finish before he threw me over his shoulder.

"Miss Cla--" Brutus was going to say before I shouted.

"No. Don't say my name! My identity is Secret."

Brutus chuckled, "Of Course."

Robin set me back down and propped an elbow on my head, "What's your name, Tiger?" He prodded.

I punched him in the stomach, "Nope. I'm not telling you."

We walked outside and sauntered down the street. I looked down the alleys, a few cats would jump on the bins and a few large dogs would bark occasionally.

"Why?" He said after a while.

"Why what?" I asked.

He slung his arm over my shoulder, "Why won't you tell me your name?" Robin asked flatly.

I shrugged and leaned into him, looking at the clear, cyan blue sky, "Clark."

He smiled, "Really? Is that it?"


"Yes." I replied.

I wrapped an arm around his waist, his shirt was soft and silken, just like his feathery soft hair.

"I like you, Clark." He explained breathily.

I waited, just listening to the padding of our feet and the rustling of the tree limbs along the sidewalks.

"So far, I like you pretty well. I don't fall in love in two seconds, like all of the books I read. It'll take some time, but you're growing on me." I said flustered with all of the words that I couldn't put into sentences.

Robin smirked, "I get it, but you will fall in love with me. Because I mean. Look at me, and I'm sure you do already."

By the time we had ranted and argued we were at my door, standing in front of it I reached up to knock on the wooden door.

"What do I even say to her? The reason I have been gone for so long." I asked, a traitor tear slipping down my cheek.

"Just. The truth, why lie to the ones closest to you." He said, and with that he knocked three times and stepped back.

Clark isn't my first name, then.

"Oh, bu--" I said watching him.

We waited at the door. I ended up jamming my key in the lock and flinging the door open, "Hey, Mom." I sang.

I walked in to the living room and since the kitchen was right across from it, I could peer into the kitchen, but I still found no one.

I ran upstairs while Robin was still standing at the doorway.

"Mom?" I whispered opening my door. Nothing had been touched, or so I recall anyways.

"Clark!" Robins fruity voice filled the hall.

I ran down the stairs, skipping a few steps and almost twisting my ankle. "What? What is it." I huffed.

He peeled a note from the kitchen island, "A note."

I took it and stared at the green index card.

We know who you are, Victoria Clark. After searching the whole city for your pretty, little face. We found something even better. Your Mother. Of course, you know how it goes, come here and you'll get her back, cliché blah. 

We will schedule a date for you to come and visit, tomorrow. Sounds good. See you then.

Your Favorite Gang Leader,

My favorite Gang Leader? Does this sadistic bitch really want me to kill him? Are you joking. I slammed a hand down on the island and slid the note over to him.

"This is ridiculous. And I'm pretty sure it's already past the date I was supposed to go and get her back." I fumed digging my nails into the sides of the bar.

A creak came from the front door caused me to turn around.

A large man holding a bag of Doritos and a juice pouch came through the door.

"Who are you?" He asked in a guttural tone.

Before I knew it I had jumped on the island and pushed off with everything I could muster.

I slammed into the man toppling over him and bringing him down the house steps with me.

I quickly got up and grabbed his collar, "Where is my Mom?" I roared.

He was still dazed from knocking his head on the steps, "If I seen you, I was supposed t' tell you that there is another meeting." He croaked out.

"Where." I asked siting back against the bin outside our house.

"Antonio's Club." He said breathily.

I drug a hand through my hair, "I thought his name was Antony?"

"It's a nickname. Like from Julius Caesar."

I shook my head remembering the play I had to read, "Yeah. So where is this Club."

The man got up and popped his neck, "I'll take you. We still have a few hours before we even have to go."

"Hold on. I need to go change first, make yourself comfortable in my house." I said, grabbing Robins hand we dashed down the sidewalk.

"What are we doing?" He asked.

"I'm going to go suit up. That one big guy already seen my face, I don't need anyone else knowing what I look like." I sighed rolling my eye.

And then a bug flew in my mouth and I thought I was going to puke.

Just kidding.

*Not Edited
WOOOO, suspense am I right.


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