51 The way home

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A sob. Yuna opened her eye. Where was she? Apparently still in the forest, since there were trees surrounding her. Slowly, she straightened up. She groped for her belly. No wounds. She also wore her school uniform. What the hell? One second!

Yuna waved her hand in front of her face. She had both eyes. Was this another dream again? She scrambled up to her feet. There was another sobbing.

"Hello?" She took a few steps. "Is there anyone?"

"Hello?" A girl's voice.

"Where are you?"

"Sister?" This voice. Could it be Mai?



"Where are you, Mai?" The blue-haired ran to find her little sister.

"Over here.", it echoed through the trees.

"Come out."

"Are the dogs gone?"

"Yes. It's all right."

A couple of meters ahead Mai peered out from behind a tree. "I'm scared. The dogs are evil."

Yuna caught up with her. "Don't worry. They can't harm you anymore."


The huntress embraced Mai and pressed her tightly. "It's all right. I'm here."

"I'm so scared."

"It's all right. I'll protect you."

"I want to go home. I want to be with mama."

Yuna looked around. Everywhere stood trees. Where the hell were they?

"Okay. I'll take you to mother."

"You promise?"

"Sure. I promise." The blue-haired took the little girl by the hand and pondered. "Do you know which way we have to go?", asked the huntress carefully.

Mai looked at the older one in disbelief. "You don't know?!"

"I do. Don't worry."

"Where is mama?"

"Relax. It will be alright."

"I want mama!", whined the child.

"Okay." Yuna started to walk and pulled Mai with her. She had to take the lead. "Let us sing a song."

"The cat song?"

"Good. Let's sing the cat song."

The blue-haired sang while her little sister hummed and gave keywords.

Finally, they left the forest and came to a road. She recognized this road. How did they get into the small forest near their house? For years she passed this trees on her way to school.

"Come. Let's go home." The huntress let go of her sister's hand.

The little girl ran a few feet and discovered some flowers in a lawn. She went over and sniffed them. "Just look at these flowers. They're so beautiful." Mai plucked a couple of them.

"Yes. They are." The older watched her sister.

Had Mai understood what had happened to her? Was it even important for her?

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