12 million subscribers

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"I-I just wanna say.." Mark took a deep breath to steady his shaking voice, "Thank you so much to my 12 million subscribers."

~Flash Back~

"Mark! Wake up, quick!" I shook Mark's shoulders as I sat on our bed.

"What time is it?" Mark groaned groggily. I looked over to his alarm clock to see that it was almost 5am!

"It doesn't matter.." Mark turned his head to face the clock.

"5am! Y/N, what the hell?" He sat up and reached for his glasses.

"You're 200 away from 12 million subscribers!" Mark's eyes suddenly lit up

"REALLY?" I nodded and he jumped out of bed. He began jumping up and down on the spot, his whole body turning into a ball of energy.

"Check your computer!" I urged him and he shot out of the room. I ran on behind him, to his study where he was already sitting at his desk. I had opened up the live subscriber count already and he immediately refreshed it.

"11,999,900 subscribers!" He exclaimed excitedly. He sat bouncing in his chair as I watched his face. His eyes were so bright and happy that watching him lit me up too. "11,999,990!" He said after a few moments.

"Wait! I'm gonna film this!" You quickly grab your phone and start filming Mark.

"No! I look terrible!" Mark ran his fingers through his hair in the effort to tame the blue floof.

"Too late! I'm filming." You giggle from behind the camera

"Oh. Hello everybody my name is Markiplier annnnn" He quickly glanced at the screen, "nnnnnd WE HAVE 12 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!" He jumped up from his chair, his fists in the air. I ran round to film the screen where it said



"Holy crap, guys!" Mark said and I turned the camera to him, he was piratically glowing with pride.

"YAYYYY" He yelled and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up. He squeezed me tightly against his chest. When he released me, I saw that his eyes were looking watery.

"You OK, Markimoo?" I smiled. He nodded and kissed my forehead. I then turned the camera to us so we were both in frame. Mark sniffed slightly and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Anything you wanna say to your subscribers?" I asked, looking up at him

"I-I just wanna say.." Mark took a deep breath to steady his shaking voice, "Thank you so much to my 12 million subscribers." He turned his head to me and gave me his beautiful smile.

"And as always" I said softly, turning back to the camera.

"I will see you in the next video" Mark said.

And then together we both waved and called, "BUH-BYE!"

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