chapter one // home sweet home.

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Linley's pov

Sable and I let out an excited shout as we pass through the performer's gate, into the magical place that is Ragstock Music Festival; the place that will be our home for the next week.

We roll down our windows, blasting loud electronic music as we drive through the crowded campsite, searching for an empty place to park our camper. A smile makes its permanent home on my face as I bob my head to the music, waving to people as we drive past.

This isn't so bad for our first gig in California.

"This place is packed; holy shit!" Sable laughs, trying her hardest not to hit any pedestrians.

As soon as I see an empty lot, I scream and point at it. In the distance I see a car racing forwards, obviously seeing the same spot as we do. Sable lets out a shriek as she slams on the gas, weaving through the crowds of people to swiftly pull into the spot.

The car drives past us a few moments later, blasting on their horn and shouting swear words at us. I wonder if they're from New York as well?

After she turns the camper off, Sable and I share excited grins. We're finally starting to go somewhere with our dreams. We've managed to get quite a fan base started, especially here on the west coast. I can still remember nearly passing out when our manager called to tell us we were asked to perform at Ragstock.

And here we are.

I remember coming to this very festival a few years back, road tripping with Sable and a few of our other friends. This music festival is unlike anything you could ever imagine. It's literally a week long party. It took me at least a month to recover from it last time.

"So what should we do now? We don't perform until tomorrow night," Sable asks, wearing an amused grin on her face.

I know she's thinking exactly what I'm thinking.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to even remember tonight," I laugh, opening my door to hop down from the camper.

Sable laughs loudly and hops out as well. She bounds over to me, grabbing my hand rather excitedly. From behind us we hear loud cat calls. I roll my eyes as she turns around and gives them one of her world famous flirtatious grins.

It's hard being friends with someone who looks like a model. She could literally throw on a paper bag and look like it was a fashion statement. We look like quite the duo next to one another. She's got this intense dark hair that falls in pretty waves with curves that are the envy of anyone that meets her; I'm pale with choppy blonde hair and rather twiggy looking. Perhaps that's how we got so famous so quickly. We're the oddest duo you've ever seen.

"No way, it's Starry Eyes!" We hear someone shout.

We stop just in time to see a group of about four or five guys approaching us. They wear excited grins that make them look like little school boys.

"You guys are so dope, seriously," One guy says as we give them amused smiles.

"Will you sign my shirt?" Another one asks us, pulling out a sharpie and handing it to us.

Sable and I share an excited, cheeky grin, despite how hard we try to play it cool. We try really hard to fit our image of two girls who don't give a shit. Sometimes - like moments like these - it's really hard not to get excited about things.

"Will you marry me, Linley?" One guy asks, making me actually laugh out loud.

"I bet if you find me later tonight and ask, I'll be all yours," I joke as I sign the guys shirt after Sable.

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