For Copyright and Stuff

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Copyright 2016
By Love (BlueVelvetShirt)

All right reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form or by any means without a prior notice... bla, bla, bla

You know that, I know. You read that from other stories many times. You know what's right from wrong.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events and locales is entirely coincidencial.

Long story short,




Speaking of copyright...

Copyright to wherever my sis found the cover photo (Superman). She just found it then saved it so... Yeah


First of all, thank you for giving this story a chance to be read!!!! I really do appreciate it!

Second, if you like a chapter, please don't hesitate to vote/comment! It really means so much to us authors (You know what I mean, authors out there :) )

Third, Enjoy!!!

And, I don't edit. I only edit when the story's already finished. Sorry if they're some mistakes in both grammar and spelling. If you're a critique, then kindly critique my writing, not my mistakes :) (but point it out also for editing process)

Also, NEVER PLAGIARISE. I think I have stressed that well enough earlier but I'm just reminding. I don't want to see someone locked up in a cage because of mimicking what I wrote :P

Okay! that's it!!!

♡ Love ♡

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