Chapter Two

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Finally, Anora and Charlie arrived with their twins holding onto Anora, because no one trusted Charlie to apparate with the children. But luckily, they all made it, including Charlie, on the first try. Stella and Eliza were getting pretty big, and it was quite obvious that Eliza had taken the Weasley trait of red hair although in the light, it looked pink, which pleased Tonks greatly.

"My hope is on you now, Stella." Tonks told the sleeping child that rested against her father. "A pink haired child would be magnificent."

"Way to put high expectations on her." Anora chuckled. "Now she's going to feel bad if she comes out with anything different. Between my mum counting on white hair and you counting on pink..."

"I think she's going to have black hair." Charlie said running his hand over Stella's head. Unfortunately, it was taking much longer for Stella to grow out her hair unlike her sister who had a red poof sitting upon her head.

"Oh regardless, she's going to be beautiful with whatever hair color she develops." Arthur said as he held Eliza who was up and moving about, pulling at her grandfather's ear happily. "Although, I wouldn't oppose to having another red head."

The group chuckled.

"Then that would leave me with female versions of Fred and George." Anora said looking to where the two men were grinning at her. "Oh Merlin's"

When Bill and Fleur arrived, Molly officially allowed the party to begin as the food came out.

"Finally." Ron said. "She's been starving us all day to make sure all the food was ready for the party."

"Honestly, Ron, you didn't have to wait for your mum to finish cooking, you could have just as easily whipped up something yourself." Hermione shook her head at him.

"It's not the same. Besides, it was worth it. Look at all of this, reminds me of the welcoming feast in the Great Hall."

Molly had truly outdone herself when it came to her cooking, from pastries to a selection of meals, everyone was able to find something they truly enjoyed. Of course, Ron had made the biggest plate compared to everyone and sat down happily.

"Ellie, tsk, tsk tsk...."

Eleanor turned around to see Fred standing behind her as she bit into a pastry.


"Desserts before dinner?"

"I was just eating one of them." she said. "They looked really good."

"That's not what I was getting at. Desserts before dinner and you didn't grab me one."

She giggled. "Sorry." she said grabbing one onto her plate and handing it to him.

"Where's mine?" George asked jokingly.

"I only have two hands." Eleanor said.

Just by her statement she could only see the twins' minds at work as they began to brainstorm a new product.

"Extra set of hands. Give Me a Hand?" George said to Fred.

"Oooh, with an extra Leg Up for all those things out of Arms Reach." Fred continued.

Eleanor pinched the bridge of her nose and walked away with her pastry. She took a seat besides Ginny and Fleur.

Fleur instantly turned to her.

"I heard your friend Marnie was in France, oh I am so jealous of her-"

Eleanor tried to keep up with Fleur's English, which was getting better and better everyday, but the problem lied that when the woman got excited or upset about something, she would talk so fast. Eleanor wasn't able to understand anything behind the strong French accent that dominated over everything.

She stared blankly at Fleur until Ginny came to the rescue.

"Fleur would you breathe in between sentences, we have no idea what you're saying right now." Ginny said bluntly.

"Oh. Sorry." Fleur took a deep breath and instantly went back to speaking a million miles an hour.

"Well, I tried, good luck, Ellie." Ginny said hoping to leave but Eleanor dragged her right back down.

"Happy Birthday Harry!" Everyone cheered loudly after they sang to him. Harry was still red in the cheeks as Ginny had given him a quick peck causing the twins to wolf-whistle until Ginny threatened them.

The party continued after the cake was cut and Eleanor refused her piece after the amount of sweets she had consumed earlier. She was searching for Fred when suddenly, her hand was grabbed and she was dragged down.

"I saved you a seat, love" Fred said as she sat in his lap.

"Oh look and it's warm too." Eleanor smiled at him. "How's your product development going?"

"It's going, I think George and I have something. We'll work on the details later on tonight when we get back to the flat."

"You realize that it's going to be quite late when we leave here right?" she told him.

"Well, yes but we all hardly ever go to bed early." Fred countered.

Eleanor shook her head at him as she rested her head upon his shoulder.

"Although, I don't know if you're going to make it to the end of the party, Ellie." Fred laughed as she yawned.

"I will...I think I'm just experiencing a wicked sugar crash right now." she yawned again.

"Try to stay awake a little bit longer or you'll miss the best part."

Eleanor lifted her head and looked at him.

"Did you plan something?"

"Me?" Fred pointed to himself. "No. Did George and I plan something, yes."

"It involved you planning-"

"Yes but you said you, which would mean me, and it wasn't was we."

"I-" she had no valid argument and her mind was too tired to even come up with anything to say. Instead she just buried her face into the crook of his neck as Fred smiled triumphantly.

"It's okay Ellie." he said after a few minutes of silence as he ran his hands over her back soothingly. "Why don't you take a small nap, I promise I'll wake you up before the excitement begins."

There was no response.


Eleanor was sound asleep.

Fred snorted softly as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin upon her head.

"Sleep well, Ellie. At least, while you can."

Gunpowder & Cinnamon {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now