t h r e e

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Ok Shawn in the end of this was so cute and I was laughing so hard

Shawn Peter Raul Mendes

After that one night, everything changed. My view on Haven changed completely. I was noticing little details about her that I'd never given a second thoughts on.

But the things that stood out the most, was how extremely caring she was about everything and everyone. Almost a little too caring. But it wasn't a bad thing.

I remember one time, when we were 15, her younger sister, Lucy, was put in the hospital because her sister had to get stitches in her head after failing on the ice when we were skating.

Haven brought her there, sitting by her side as if it was the last time she'd see Lucy. Even though the doctor said she'd be fine. Haven still was extremely worried something would go wrong with the stitches.

I had to practically drag her out of the room when they started.

"What if the needle goes through her head? What if they run out of thread? There are multiple things that could be happening Shawn!" Haven waved her hands around trying to show her point. She did that a lot.

"I'm pretty sure they're not going to run out of thread in the whole hospital, Avey." I reasoned. But she went on anyway.

"You never know Shawn! Maybe a bunch of other people came in with cracked heads!" She ran her fingers through her hair, slightly pulling at it. "This is all my fault!"

I wrapped my arms around her, hoping to calm her down, "Aves, she'll be fine, those doctors in there have done this so many times and they went to school for all this. Lucy will be ok. It's not your fault at all."

She nodded her head slowly resting her head on my shoulder. "I really hope so, I really do."

She closed her eyes and soon after began to snore lightly.

Haven was worrying too much, but I understood where she was coming from, I would be that worried too if it was Aaliyah. But I wished that she wouldn't have to blame herself for it.

Haven was extremely caring.

Another reason I fell in love with her.

Ok this was vv late I'm sorry

But I'm back so I might double update tonight:)

I'm feeling very happy lately for some reason.

But then I'm not because teen wolf keeps FUCKING WITH MY FEELINGS!!!!

Ok, I'm done byeeeee

Tally ; smWhere stories live. Discover now