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It took a lot of conversations and convincing for me to decide that I wanted to keep this baby, that is if Eric still wants it.

The bad thing is I can't even call him and say, "Hey Eric, just wanted to let you know I decided I was going to keep the baby." I don't have his number, he's been in my life for little over two years and I don't have his number.

You think if you had a kid with someone and had another one on the way, even if you aren't dating them, that maybe just maybe you'd have their number.

Not Eric though, no girls have his number, only his family, football players, and select friends.

Mother of his daughter and unborn child is nowhere in there. Honestly, I think he'd rather forget about Chloe and I. He doesn't want to remember how his mistake became beauty in my mind.

I am completely existed for our new little creation to come into this world, one half Eric, one half me. I know we haven't talked about it yet but if it's a boy I want the name Noah Daniels or if it's a girl I want the name Heidi Jane.

I'm secretly hoping for a boy, Eric wants a girl. Either way I guess I'll be happy, as long as I get my child.

Two weeks have passed since I've told Eric, he has Chloe again tonight and he's bringing her over, staying for dinner.

That my friends is another thing, he knows where I live and is over here constantly, I have no idea where he live and have never once been to his house.

Can't even give you an idea of it, his life is completely invisible to me. It gets lonely in the dark sometimes.

Two knocks on the downstairs door draws me out of my thoughts. I wasn't suspecting anyone for the next two hours, and then I don't even think he would have showed up on time. Knowing Eric he would have been an hour late. No way this could be him, not two hours early, impossible.

Two more knocks, heavier this time, more aggressive and impatient like. I grow curious but my gut tells me not to answer. I should probably listen to my gut but my brains telling me to find out answers, and my hearts saying maybe it is in fact Eric.

"One minute!" My mom yells from somewhere downstairs.

I walk down and to the edge of the staircase. The angle I'm at is where I can see the door but whoever answers can't see me. My parents answer the door to see a big broad Gang related looking guy. He looks like the drug dealer that hangs out at the mall, the one that tried to talk me up and take Chloe that one time. Not to long ago actually.

He slowly lifts up a gun, I cover my mouth with my hand so he can't hear my sobs. Pulling the trigger on his gun he shoots my father in the head, then he moves it slightly to his left and shoots my mom in the same spot. I'm beyond scared, shaking, I need some way to get almond of Eric. I need to see him, need to make sure Chloe's safe and sound where she is and to make sure they're both away from this.

The man leaves, I give it a good ten minutes before I call the cops. Within minutes after the call sirens blare as they near my house.

Or what was my house, I can't live where I witnessed my parents murders. If Eric wasn't here I'd completely move out of state and halfway across America. I can't leave though or Eric could take me to court and I could loose custody of Chloe.

"Excuse me miss? Can you explain everything that happened? What the man looked like?" The officer ask. His name tags says Drake.

I start from the beginning of what happened. Telling him everything from the minute my parents opened the door to the minute the cops arrived.

"Mama!"Chloe yells and runs over to me. I catch a glimpse of Eric talking to a detective as I pick Chloe up.

"You have a daughter?" Officer Drake ask.

"She's two, her names Chloe. Another one on the way, five weeks." I say.

"The young man over there the father?" He ask, I nod, "This just got a hell of a lot more complicated."

"Can I ask that you explain?" Officer Drake refuses to look me in the eyes, he seems to have gone into deep thought because of a simple question. I'm curious as to what happened now. Also, I'm not so sure it's smart on our halves to stand in the yard where not even twenty minutes ago there was two murders.

"His names Hunter Caggert, 46 year old male, Texan born and raised. Moved here three years ago. He's top ten most wanted because he murdered sixteen sets of parents then kidnapped their teens kid, eight out of sixteen were found dead. The rest are still missing but suspected to be dead." He says before walking off.

This brings tears to my eyes, I just lost my parents, no way on Earth can I let anything happen to Chloe.

"Mama?" Chloe ask as she attempts to wipe my tears.

"Chloe, grandma and grandpa had to leave us." I say, looking into the eyes of my two year old. She tilts her head slightly to the right in questioning. I sigh and wipe my tears before I explain to her that they passed on and won't be able to see her anymore and her see them. One of the hardest things you'll ever tell a child is that someone they loved more than lie died. That's not even explaining the murder, that would be twenty one times worse.

"Olivia?" Eric whispers as he walks slowly over to me, not wanting to overstep my current barrier. He knows what it's like to loose your parents, he lost his when he was sixteen. He's been on his own ever sense. Five days before we made Chloe is when he had to go to his parents funeral. "Liv? Please talk to me, it may not seem like it but I really do care about you and your feelings. Right now I know you're hurting and scared. The detective told me everything I assume the officer told you."

I stare into his eyes for a total of five minutes, Chloe now sleeping on my shoulder as I say, "I don't know what to think right now Eric, everything is so unclear."

"Well, I can make you see one thing perfectly." I give him a curious confused look, "I am completely head over heels in love with you Olivia Hart." Eric smiles at me.

I stand in silence for a minute before I burst into a sob fest. Nonstop crying as Eric pulls me into a hug, Chloe on my hip and him holding me tight. I cry into his chest but he doesn't give a care in the world.

What do I do no? Everything that caused me confusion before still does, but it causes even more now that I know Eric's truth on top of everything.

I'm Having The Players Baby... AgainWhere stories live. Discover now