The high seas

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Thalia's pov:
We had been riding for what seemed like forever but was really 3 days. We came across this small town that had a port and a really breath taking view of the sea. As we road into town people parted from the street to let us by. Robin led us down to the port were we all dismounted and tied up the horses near a troff. We all walked into what looked to be a bar but it had no drunks in it. Which seemed really odd. John took me and the men over to a table were we all sat in silence while Robin talked to a man in leather with only one hand and the other a hook.
    I was getting hungry for I hadn't eaten all day and it was around high noon. John must have noticed that I was hungry so he told one of the men to go fetch some food for every one. As soon as the man got up Robin walked over to us.
   "Thalia. This is Captain Hook. I have arranged for him to help you across the sea for I do not know if who you are looking for is in this land." He said as Hook reached out his hand questering for me to hold out mine. When I do he kisses the top lightly.
     "It's an honor to make your aquatence." I say a bit annoyed. I thought that Robin was going to help me through this but it just turns out that I was alone again.
   "Las if you don't mind me asken but whom are you looking for?" Hook says out of curiosity.
    "I will tell you when I feel that I can trust you." I say with sass.
    "Well then if it's to be that way love then I guess it will be that way." He says with a chuckle.
    "You've got your hands full I see. But now Thalia you shall go with the captain now for we are to be heading shortly." He said while the mean groan because they have been riding so long.
    "Yes Robin, I am going to fetch my things." I stand and walk out of the bar just as the man that went to fetch food was returning. I stepped out and went to my horse but then remembered that I was not going to leave the horse for it was from by best friend. Hook walked out with a small sack over his shoulder.
  "Have you got your things?" He asked.
   "Hook I promised someone special that I would keep his horse is there any way that we can take her with us?" I ask giving him puppy eyes.
    "Lucky for you love I've got a small stable aboard my ship. You may bring her but you have to take care of her through sunny days and stormy for the seas a very wild place." He said take ing the reins and walking to his boat. I followed with a smirk on my face. We went to the boat but before we could leave some one came running up to us. It was Slate.

Thanx for reading and please make sure to comment if you like it!!

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