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Chapter Four

"Get your hand off me you pervert!" I exclaimed; disgusted by the fact that our skin had made contact, even for a second. I hadn't felt anything incredible. There were no sparks, no sudden butterflies in my stomach and definitely no feelings that developed unexpectedly for that thing.

His palm shot away from where it rested. "Oh, you wish," he scoffed.

"Wish that what? That you'll come back here and swoop me off my feet so that we can ride off into the sunset together?" I glared at him. "How about, no."

"I'm glad you like to fantasise about me." He looked amused.

My blood was boiling. How can a person be so goddamn irritating? “Get over yourself,” I mumbled as I left the vending machine far behind. I had suddenly lost my appetite for all things sweet and salty.

I found Jazz seated where I had left her with an amused expression on her face.

“Alright, let it out,” I grumbled; defeated. There was a free space to her left that I lowered myself into with a thump.

“You and Ryan sure do seem happy to see each other after all of this time,” she observed.

“The happiest." I glared at his back as he continued to pick out a snack from the machine. I always found it amusing how, no matter what situation they were in, boys would always be hungry.

The train wouldn’t pull up for another three to four minutes so Jazz and I preoccupied ourselves with the Shotgun Game. Although, instead of just touching hands or counting to three, we patted our thighs twice in a rhythmic fashion and then made the move. Over and over again.

I had already died five times before I noticed that we were getting peculiar looks from the people at the train stop. They must have thought that we were the most childish teenagers to walk the Earth. Amongst the group of confused on-lookers, Ryan stood with just as much uncertainty on his tan face.

Thankfully, the train decided to make its appearance and I practically sprinted into one of the compartments with Jazz in tow.

“Well... that was awkward.” She had basically stolen the words right out of my mouth.

“I still love that game so they can suck it,” I defended.

We took a seat across from each other in an area to the left of the train that seated four. Luckily, there weren’t that many people leaving the park at this time so we wouldn’t be condemned to the hell that was sitting next to two randomers. It wasn’t even three PM!

I despised trains. Not because I thought that I would die if we took a turn too fast but because they all smelled like cigarette butts and homeless people; the most disgusting combination ever. Mercifully, this train wasn’t as busy since it went much further out in order to get to faraway-towns like those that hosted the amusement park which meant that the smell wasn’t quite as horrible.

Ryan sauntered through the sliding doors with a Mars bar and some Haribo’s in hand. He made for the seats that Jazz and I had settled into with an ease to his step. I noticed that as he got closer, his eyes focussed on the seat to my right, showing that he planned on sitting next to me,probably to piss me off some more.

I needed to think of an excuse! Anything would do! Think! “I’m saving this seat for my imaginary friend, Charlie-Saint-Bob,” I face-palmed. That was the worst excuse in all of history.

Ryan looked at me in an entertained manner. “Is that so?”

I heard an alarm chime; indicating that the train doors would be closing and we would leave soon. “Yeah...”

His Name Was Ryan [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now