9. Snarl

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He doesn't quite taste like cat, but I think I could get used to the flavor. Drake thought as he finally released Cerat... then watched the vampire tackle Warden to the blankets. "Ferocious little bugger. Well, I'm gonna leave him to you now that I've had a nibble. Let me know if you don't need me!" Drake said as he stood up and returned to the food he had been cooking on the stove. 

The hamburger was perfect, so he took it off of the burner and got down two plates. After loading them up with burger, then smothering them in ketchup, he began to dig in. Loud snarls and yelps were heard from the living room area, but eh, he knew that Warden could manage... or at least Cerat couldn't drink him dry. The guy's belly would get too full or he'd have to throw up. He was kinda surprised he hadn't yet, actually.

Glancing in the room from where he was leaning against the counter, Drake saw Warden pin Cerat down against the blankets. The angel was panting hard and his wings were unfurled. 

Something caught his attention to the left of them as it blurred toward Warden, then latched onto his bottom lip. Oh my god. That rabbit is awesome. Maybe I won't eat it after all. Drake thought as he watched the rodent dig its buck teeth into Warden's lip. Blood began to run down the animal's fur as Warden snarled. Drake could tell that he wanted to jerk his head and get free of the beast, but at the same time he knew that it would rip his lip badly if he did so. 

Pursing his own lips, Drake sighed and set his food down, then walked over. The rabbit wisely dropped from Warden's lip and bolted, leaving several pellets in its wake all the way across the room. Gross. He thought before redirecting his attention to Cerat and grabbing the back of the guy's head. Shoving it into the blankets, he watched as Warden darted out of range, then Drake released the vampire.

Of course, Cerat tried to bite and grab him, but Drake just slapped him hard across the face, then stood up and backed away. "Bitch, no one bites this dog unless he wants them to." He paused for a moment after saying that, then added. "And you're not a bitch."

Cerat sat back on his heels and glared, baring his teeth with a hiss.

"Tsk. That's a cat. I eat cats. Do you want me to eat you, little Carrot?" Drake asked as he leaned closer but made sure to remain out of reach.

"Fuck you." Cerat growled back, clearly still feeling the effects of the blood coursing through his veins.

Drake just chuckled and straightened back up. "We just went over that. Unless you grow a tail and an extra hole, I don't think we're gonna get together. So sorry."

"Stop instigating, Drake. He's got it hard enough as it is right now." Warden returned as he stalked past Drake and into the kitchen.

Drake followed, a smirk on his face as he watched Warden begin to clean blood from his lip. "He's not hard at all, though that biting thing kinda got me twitching down there."

That had his friend pausing, a paper-towel pressed against his mouth as he scowled. Drake just snickered and finished off his plate of food, then went for Warden's, since the guy didn't grab it yet. He only had so much nice in him. And after the food went away, usually the nice did, too.

"I'm assuming that was my portion?" Warden asked as he walked to the fridge after tossing the soiled paper-towel in the trash and pulling out a protein shake he'd brought over from the cafe at work.

As he turned, Drake walked over and snagged the drink, unscrewing the lid and taking a long swig. Before he could down the whole thing, however, the sound of ruffling feathers sounded, then a weight settled on his shoulder. You're lucky your bone sare hollow and you weigh half of what a normal person your size would. He thought.

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