the chronicles of narnia : Dark times

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Cair Prevail

( Lucy and the others are back home)

Lucy : We're back. ( looks around with the others) : What happened here?

Edmund : Don't know but doesn't look good. ( people are running to them ) : Eustace. ( runs to him, embraces him ) : What's going on here?

Reepicheep : Sarah, need to find her. She's not here.

Susan : What ? Where is she?  Who took  her?

Trumpkin : Some guy.

( Harry and his friends run to them)

Hermione : Harry ! It's the Dark Mark !

Edmund : Sorry, could you tell us what the Dark Mark is ?

Harry : It's a mark Voldemort uses for his supporters.  

Lucy : How do we stop it?

Draco : Defeat Voldemort. But be careful, he'll kill with the killing curse when he has a chance and there's no escaping.

Susan : The killing curse? What's that?

Hermione : It's a curse that'll kill you without getting away from it, there's no way dodging it or anything.

Caspian ( thinks back to the stake, when Lucius almost used it on him and Susan, looks at her ) : That's the one that almost killed us, Susan.

Draco : What do you mean?

Caspian : When we were in England, Lucius tired to kill Susan at stake and when I tried to save her, he used on both of us and Lucy used a shield charm to protect both of us and it went back him.

Draco : You did a full shield charm, Lucy ? Is that true ?

Lucy ( move her hair ) : Guilty. ( Draco hugs her) : But how will we save Sarah? She needs our help.

Trumpkin ( walks over ) : We were left this in her room.

( they read the note )

Susan : No, they can't do that.

Trufflehunter : What does it say ?

Susan : They.. they want me there in Sarah's place at midnight tomorrow.

Peter : They can't do that.  We lost you to much already too much, we're not sacrificing anyone to him.

Susan : Thanks, Pete. ( hugs him for awhile)

Edmund : So what do we do if we're not going to do that ? We have to save Sarah somehow.

Harry : I do have a map that shows people coming and going places and has secret passages also. ( shows it to them) : We're here.

Susan :  Will Sarah be on there? We need to know where she is .

Harry ( looks on the map ) : It looks like they have her on ship heading somewhere.

Susan : I hope she's OK, we need to save her somehow. ( Caspian hugs her closely)

Caspian : She'll be fine, she's a brave girl. We taught her well. ( she looks at him ) : Well, you did when I was gone but still.

Ron : Thing is either way, Voldemort is powerful and dangerous. All it take all of us to beat him.

Peter ( sighs ) : I think it's up to us now. Let's figure it out in the morning. ( They go to bed)

Susan's room - Night time

Susan ( has a nightmare) : Sarah, where are you? ( keeps looking for her, hears her name) : Sarah ! ( runs to her, Sarah's tied up ) : Sarah

Sarah ( wand against her throat ) : Mom, help me.

Susan : How ? I can't sacrifice myself for you. ( hears a different voice ) : Who's  there ?

Voldemort : Take her place or else. ( Susan backs away ) : Aveda Kaveda. ( Susan screams)

 Susan (wakes up from her nightmare ) : Just a nightmare, what choice do I have ?


( everyone wakes up and gets breakfast )

Trufflehunter : Some day this is going to be.

Trumpkin : Yeah, and Susan has till midnight to make her choice.

Peter : She'll be fine weather she goes or not. She should be down soon. ( everyone sits and has breakfast at the table, Caspian looks up for Susan, worried) : She'll be ok.

Edmund : Hope we're see her. ( they eat their breakfast)

Susan's room

Susan ( packs her stuff) : I'm leaving now, I don't have a choice. ( gets her backpack, leaves a note and heads out her window)


Susan ( outside the castle, gets to a dock where there were ships ) : I need one of those. ( pays for it and goes on the boat to find Sarah) : I'll find you, Sarah. Where ever you are,  I'm going to find you. ( steers the ship now and than)

Back at the castle - later

Lucy : Have you guys seen Susan?  I can't find her anywhere, but I found this. ( hands them the note)

( Peter and the others read it )

Edmund : Why would she do this?

Peter : Because we have something worth fighting for, we have to find her before it's too late. ( they get their stuff ready)

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